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UEB Faculties Achieve High Achievements in Research and Innovation in 2022: Together with the UEB Affirm the Position of Applied Scientific Research

UEB is proud to have many lecturers gaining high achievements in VNU’s research and innovation in 2022, bringing valuable research works to society, contributing to society, elevate and affirm UEB's position in domestic and international academic affairs.

For many years, UEB following its core value of "stimulating creativity, nurturing passion" has constantly provided a favorable environment to promote and innovate research activities, creating motivation for its lecturers to contribute valuable research works, published in the world's leading journals in the top 5%, Web of Science and Scopus.

Faculty of Political Economy

Assoc. Prof. Dr. To The Nguyen – Vice Dean of Faculty of Political Economy

Referring to UEB's outstanding scientists with many internationally published works, it is impossible not to mention To The Nguyen. With his creativity, effort and passion for research, in 2022, To The Nguyen had 11 articles include one published in the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge ranked Q1, belonging to the group of 1%, with the highest scientific citation index; 10 articles in Web of Science and Scopus journals, with high ratings such as SCI (Q1), SSCI (Q1), SCI/SCIE (Q1), Scopus (Q1), Scopus (Q3), Scopus (Q4)…

Talking about the long journey full of desire and overcoming many difficulties to reap the results, To The Nguyen once confided: “Try hard and try your best, then the final products will come, that's when the joy is broken. Moreover, continuous collaboration in research is very important, because through it you can generate more ideas, understand knowledge from colleagues.”

PhD Student Nguyen Anh Tuan – Lecturer

Besides the lecturers who have many years of experience, the young lecturers of the Faculty of Political Economy are also gradually showing their talents, creativity and enthusiasm in doing research. Nguyen Anh Tuan is one of them. In 2022 he had an article published in the Journal of Innovation & Knowledg ranked in Q1, in the group of 1%. In addition, in journals of Web of Science and Scopus, Tuan had 9 articles published, with high ratings such as: Scopus (Q1), Scopus (Q3), SCI (Q1), SSCI (Q1)...

Dr. Nguyen Thi Anh Tuyet – Lecturer

With her experience in international research and publication, Nguyen Thi Anh Tuyet further affirmed her academic reputation, as well as contributed to the brand of UEB with a valuable research work published in the prestigious international journal named Energy for Sustainable Development ranked Q1, in the top 5%.


Faculty of Development Economics

Dr. Nguyen Dinh Tien - Head of the Department of Economics of Natural Resources and Real Estate

With his research published in Land Use Policy - a prestigious journal in the top 5%, ranked Q1, Nguyen Dinh Tien is one of the scientists recognized in 2022.

Dr. Le Duy Anh – Head of the Section of Public Policy

Le Duy Anh is one of the young and outstanding scientists of the Faculty of Development Economics - UEB. In 2022, he had one paper published in the top 5% of international journals.

Dr. Khuc Van Quy - Head of the Section of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development

Quy had 10 prestigious works, especially the works on innovative knowledge management theory, published in the Web of Science and Scopus journals ranked SCIE (Q1), WoS (Q1), WoS/Scopus (Q2)... Quy was also recognized in 2022 as an outstanding scientists by VNU. His achievements came from the passion, dedication and devotion to research activities, not stop researching and discovering new things. Quy is also a faculty who always inspires passion and love for research to his students.


Faculty of Finance and Banking

Dr. Luu Ngoc Hiep - Vice Dean of Faculty of Finance and Banking

Hiep is highly enthusiastic and passionate in research. He affirmed his academic reputation in 2022 with two articles published in the Journal of Financial Stability and Finance Research Letters ranked Q1, in the top 5%; six articles published in the Web of Science and Scopus journals, ranked SSCI/SCOPUS (Q1), SSCI/SCOPUS (Q2), SSCI/SCOPUS (Q3), ESCI/SCOPUS (Q2)…


School of Business Administration

Nguyen Thu Ha - Deputy Director of Business Administration Research Center, Faculty of School of Business Administration

Nguyen Thu Ha had 7 researches published in journals of the Web of Science and Scopus namely Scopus (Q1), ESCI (ISI), Scopus (Q1), SSCI (ISI), Scopus (Q2), Scopus (Q3)… She is one of the prominent female scientists recognized in the year. Ha said: “This is the result of efforts over a relatively long period of time. I felt excited and motivated for my teaching and research activities in the years to come.”

Ha also commented that, during the research, UEB provided effective companions and support such as: Constantly improving the quality of teaching and research activities; A good environment promotes each individual faculty's striving, as well as cooperation among members; Actively directing, supporting, and recognizing research achievements; Promoting many internationalization activities and increasing income for staff and lecturers.

 These successes clearly demonstrated the enthusiasm and constant creativity of UEB’s lecturers on the challenging but also very proud path of doing research.

These representatives together with the entire teaching staff of UEB have contributed to affirming and enhancing the brand of UEB in training and applied research in economics, business, management in Vietnam as well as reaching out to the world.

UEB Media


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