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Seminar “Human resource development project of the UEB in the period of 2009 - 2012”

Esteeming the human resources ensures the development of the UEB
On 11th June 2009, the University of Economics and Business - VNU organized the seminar entitled “Human resource development project of the UEB in the period of 2009 - 2012” with the attendance of leaders and personnel officials from various units.

The project was built following the direction of the VNU and the resolution of the UEB’s Party Committee on planning, and staff development of the UEB which focused on its human resource management.

The seminar was organized to solicit ideas from various units’ leaders and personnel officials under the UEB; it was aimed to unify the approaches; and to pinpoint the difficulties and advantages in the process of building and deploying the project.

During the seminar, on behalf of the editorial board, Dr. Pham Thuy Linh (Head of Division of Human Resource Management - School of Business) presented the main contents and the expected results of the project.

With the target of developing the human resources having sufficient quantity achieving the required standards so as to meet the needs for the development mission of the UEB - VNU in the period of 2009 - 2012, the project is gearing up for the following objectives: setting up the criteria according to the standard of each unit’s human resource, constructing the mechanism, planning the human resource, to meet the requirements and mission of the UEB in the period of 2009 -2012; setting up the contents and the process required assessing the types of human resource; determining the current and true status of the human resources at the UEB; measuring and guiding the criteria such as mechanism, establishing the human resource planning, assessing and designing the effective recruitment procedures, staff training, staff appropriate utilization and staff rewarding policies. …

 At the seminar, the delegates discussed and contributed ideas to the project. The content was focused on issues namely basis of project development, roles and feasibility of the project, methods of staff deploying and evaluating, conditions ensuring the feasibility of the project…

Most of the delegates came to agreement that it was necessary to build suitable and feasible projects and contents.

Addressing at the seminar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phung Xuan Nha - Rector emphasized: “This project is modern and professional. It will be the model for human resources structuring for the UEB in the days to come.”

The project will be completed by the editorial board. As scheduled, the project will be deployed at the UEB by the beginning of 2010.

Luu Mai - Tuan Hung


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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