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Giving priority to the UEB’s feature

VNU President Assoc.Prof.Dr Phung Xuan Nha at the working session with the UEB
The new President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi Assoc.Prof.Dr Phung Xuan Nha has paid a working session at the VNU University of Economics and Business on 25 March 2013.

The meeting was attended by the Vice Presidents of VNU, leaders of VNU’s functional departments, UEB’s Board of Management and and heads of UEB’s units.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son, Rector of University of Economics has presented a brief report on activities and development goals of the university by 2020. The report clarified the development model of the UEB, its operation and achievements. The UEB Rector also explained the position of the UEB among economic universities in Vietnam, UEB’s objectives and conditions of the development as well as proposed some recommendations to VNU leader.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son emphasized that the UEB has been striving to become one of leading research-oriented university in Vietnam, accreditated by the MOET and VNU, in which some majors are accreditated by AUN-QA standards by 2015. The university is expected to rank equally with some advanced universities in the Southeast Asia, including a number of majors or faculties are recognized by the standard of ASEAN Universities Network of ASEAN (AUN-QA) in 2020.


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - UEB Rector reports activities and development direction of the university by 2020


The UEB representatives speak at the working session

At the working session, the UEB delegates expressed the agreement with the recommendations in the report and presented their ideas and aspirations to the VNU leaders. The ideas focused on issues such as mechanisms and policies to attract high-quality human resources, human resource training and development, investmenting in international scientific research, opening new undergraduate and postgraduate majors or facilities for study.
Responding to the proposal from the UEB, VNU delegates discussed and suggested some solutions to help the university to improve the existing issues and long-term activities.
Speaking at the meeting, President of VNU Assoc.Phung Xuan Nha acknowledged the collective efforts of the UEB in the last period, which reflected the stability and development, of the university. The whole UEB staff has been determined to fulfill the development goal towards quality, prestige and high-class. In a short time, the UEB promptly gathered a team of qualified staff, dedicated to their career. The university was the pioneer in innovation and had initial success, which brought it some features of a research-oriented university. The UEB has stopped in-service training programs to pay attention on high-quality training in economics, economic management and business. In terms of scientific research, the UEB maintained its quality, and had a breakthrough in increasing number of the international articles. Regarding facilities, the university has made ​​great efforts to overcome difficulties, to ensure stable management. Besides, the university has united staff, faculty and students as a whole, which is one of its strengths on the development path.
VNU President emphasized that the VNU University of Economics and Business has entered the speed-up phase, which requires a clear development goal, focusing on resources to sharpen an identity of the university. The university should focus on high-quality human resources training in the field of basic economic, said the VNU President. He gave the guidelines in details:

  • In training, the UEB needs to examine to open new training majors which is interdisciplinary or international joint programs.

  • In research, the university is encouraged to be consistent with the orientation of a research university. The strength of VNU member research universities is that they can associate and cooperate. In management activities, the university needs to pay attention to examine any field that has training major, thereby gives priority to some specific areas. The UEB should collaborate with the VNU’s Departement of Science and Technology and other relevant units to upgrade the journal of Economics and Business to an international magazine.

  • In terms of management apparatus, the UEB should review the mid-term and long-term strategic; continuing to attract and train its human resources, improving implementing training plans and the development of high-qualified staff based on specific project and research program.

  • Regarding infrastructure, the VNU is offering better conditions for the university to improve its campus to meet the operations.

To conclude the meeting, UEB Rector Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son thanked the VNU leaders for their initiatives, which encouraged better performance of the university in its activities and development in the future.
On behalf of the VNU-UEB, the Rector committed to put the guidelines into action, specifying them by plans, projects and programs, which are particularly reviewed to ensure the development benefits. He hoped to receive more instruction and support from VNU leaders to achieve the objectives of the university.

The working session between VNU leaders and the UEB delegates on 25 March 2013.

Luu Mai - Thuy Dzung


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