Trang tin tức sự kiện

GS. Phạm Thị Kim Cương

GS. Phạm Thị Kim Cương hiện đang là Giáo sư khoa Kinh tế học tại Trường Đại học Paris Nanterre (Pháp), và là thành viên của EconomiX và FERDI (Fondation pour les Études et Recherches sur le Développement International).


- 2017 : French Accreditation to Supervise Doctoral Research (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, HDR), University of Strasbourg.

- 2001-2004 : Ph.D. in Economics. Louis Pasteur University. 

- 2000-2001 : Post-graduate in Economic Analysis (French DEA Analyse économique, Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg.

- 1999-2000 : MSc in Statistics and Econometrics, Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg.

- 1995-1998 : BSc in Statistics and Econometrics, Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg.

Publications in peer-reviewed journals 

- Boun My, K, Nguyen-Van, P., Pham, T.K.C. Stenger, A, Tiet, T., and To-The, N. (2022), Drivers of organic farming : Lab-in-the-feld evidence of the role of social comparison and information nudge in networks in Vietnam, Ecological Economics 

- Guillaumont P., Nguyen-Van P., Pham T. K. C., and Wagner L. (2022), Efficient and fair allocation of aid, Review of Development Studies, forthcoming. 

- Pham N.S. and Pham T.K.C. (2020), Effects of foreign aid on the recipient country's economic growth, Journal of Mathematical Economics , vol. 86, pp. 52-68. 

- Pham T. K. C., Nguyen-Van P., Nguyen H.T.T, Tran T.A.D and Noukignon K. (2019), Subjective well-being and social comparison : a comparative study on rural Thailand and Vietnam, Revue d Économie Politique, 129, November-December, 993-1029. 

- Pham N.S. and Pham T.K.C. (2019), Foreign aid, recipient government fiscal behavior, and economic growth, Economics Bulletin, vol. 39(4), pages 2457-2466.

- Dicharry B., Nguyen-Van P. and Pham T.K.C. (2019), The winner takes all or a story of the optimal allocation of the European Cohesion Fund ? European Journal of Political Economy, 59, pp.385-399.

Teaching Current courses 

2021- : Research Seminar: Enviromentale Regulations, Master 2-EEET, Université Paris Nanterre and Université Paris-Saclay 

2021- : Contracts and Incentives, Master 2-EEET, Université Paris Nanterre and Université Paris-Saclay

2020- : Public Economics, Master 1-EEET and APE, Université Paris Nanterre and Université Paris-Saclay

2021- : Economic Growth and Natural Resources, Master 1-EEET, Université Paris Nanterre and Université Paris-Saclay

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