Trang tin tức sự kiện

Book: Industrialization models in the world and Vietnam

The book is a good reference for undergraduate and graduate students, one of the few books studying the history of human industrialization over the past 300 years. The authors clarified the historical conditions for the industrialization model, the conditions for industrialization. The book also suggests a number of issues for further discussion.

Author: Assoc.Prof.PhD. Mai Thi Thanh Xuan

Publisher: VNU Publishing House

Place of publication: Hanoi

Book size: 16cm x 24cm

Number of pages: 428, paperback

The book provides basic and systematic knowledge of industrialization, detailed as follows:

  • The book provides an overview of basic theoretical issues on industrialization and its models; a set of criteria to evaluate the level of success and its conditions.
  • The book summarizes and evaluates industrialization models in some countries, drawing the lessons in their course of industrialization.
  • The book evaluates the industrialization model that Vietnam has implemented since 1960; and outline the model for the period 2011-2020.

The books are available at:

Office of Journal and Publication, VNU University of Economics and Business

Room 703, E4 Building, 144 Xuan Thuy Str., Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi

Tel: (84-24)37547506 ext. 703 (Ms. Ngoc Anh)



VNU University of Economics and Business


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