Trang tin tức sự kiện

Corporate culture and business ethics (textbook)

With an interdisciplinary approach, combining business and cultural studies, starting from corporate culture to business ethics, this textbook is a great resource for undergraduate students, as well as a useful reference for readers. The distinctive difference of this textbook is its proven knowledge and vivid multi-dimensional situations, combining Western corporate culture models with up-to-date business situations in Vietnam.

Authosr: Hoang Van Hai,. Dang Thi Huong (Co-editor), Do Vu Phuong Anh, Bui Thi Quyen, Pham Viet Thang

Soft Cover

Size: 16 x 24 cm

Pages: 292

Price: 119,000 VND

Publisher: Hanoi National University Press

ISBN: 978-604-352-931-9



Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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