Trang tin tức sự kiện

Marc - Lenin Political Economics (volume 1)

This set of textbooks includes 2 volumes and they are used for teaching students at univerities and colleges.

Title: Marc - Lenin Political Economics (volume 1)
Author: Pham Van Dung (chief author)
Publisher: VNU Publishing House
Published year: 2002
Published place: Hanoi
Format: 14.5 x 20.5cm
Number of pages: 224 pages
This set of textbooks includes 2 volumes and they are used for teaching students at univerities and colleges.
Volume 1 focuses of studying and introducing the issues of political economics in capitalism production. Then, it presents the nature and operation rules of capitalism production. When studying the monopolistic period, the textbook introduces Lenin’s theory about monopoly capitalism in which it focuses on 5 basic features and the theory of state-owned monopoly capitalism. Based on these points, the textbook gives comments and evaluations about the achivements, limitations and essential operation trend: althought capitalism has brought about great contributions to the development of the human, it also has caused serious consequences. Because of the development of its internal contradiction, the collapse of capitalism and victory of socialism is objectively considered in evitable.
Readers can find these textbooks at the Research Material Section College of Economics - VNU; the Library of VNU and National Library of Vietnam.



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