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UEB delegation to attend the Vietnam Conference on Accounting and Auditing in Da Nang

On January 8th, 2021, the 2020 Vietnam Conference on Accounting and Auditing (VCAA) “Convergence of National Accounting Standards with International Financial Reporting Standards” was successfully held at the University of Economics - University of Danang.

Attending the Conference were representatives from universities, researchers and experts. There were also managers from professional associations and organizations such as ACCA, ICAEW, CPA Australia, and accounting and auditing companies in Da Nang. UEB's delegation included PhD. Nguyen Thi Hong Thuy - Dean of Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, PhD. Tran The Nu - Associate Dean, and PhD. Bui Phuong Chi - Lecturer.
Opening the Conference, Assoc.Prof.PhD. Vo Thi Thuy Anh - Vice Rector of University of Economics - University of Danang delivered the opening speech and emphasized that VCAA - 2020 was held as a public forum for scholars to present research results, exchange knowledge and experience related to Vietnamese accounting and auditing and international standards.
At the event, delegates also discussed directions and solutions that would be of help in improving and testing the quality of human resources, training programs integrated with international qualifications. Besides, the event was expected to come up with a way to equip students with marketing skills, international training courses in the field of accounting and auditing.
In the round table session, PhD. Nguyen Thi Hong Thuy also shared her experiences about the goal-setting of the VNU University of Economics and Business and specific plans of the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing in the process of international education integration.
>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.

Phuong Nguyen


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