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International Seminar: “Vietnam’s position in America’s economic development strategy in Asia”

In the morning of 30th November 2009, University of Economics and Business - VNU and Linkworld Unlimited International Event Company co-oganized the seminar at the Meeting Hall 10-12 of Vietnam National University, Hanoi (144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi).

Attending to the seminar were Prof.Dr.Sc. Vu Minh Giang- Vice President of VNU. Nearly700 delegates are leaders of partners of University of Economics and Business, staffs, lecturers, students of UEB and students of other member universities of VNU.

Lecturer Prof.Dr. Susan Carroll Schwab is a prestigious international trade specialist, who had been holding the post of U.S Trade Representative from 8th June 2006 to 20th January 2009. Serving as the U.S Trade Representative, senior consultant, international trade negotiator on G. Bush related issues; she has been obtaining many successes in contracting free trade agreement between the US. and Peru, Columbia, Panama and Korea. Particularly, the name “Susan Schwab” has become familiar to Vietnamese when she participated in the supervision of Vietnam’s WTO access negotiation, assisting Vietnam to join WTO timely before APEC 2007 in Vietnam.

The seminar took place in exchanging, open and positive atmosphere with remarkably referential contents to researchers, policy makers, managers, UEB lecturers and students.

The seminar content discussed on three major issues: the first is foreign affair orientations of Obama administration; the second is Obama administration strategy in Asia and the third is Vietnam’s position and reaction.

Over 2 hours of the seminar, there were many questions raised by lecturers and students, who had tried to find a seat at the Hall. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phung Xuan Nha - Rector of UEB judged: “Many of our students came here not only for information, but they also need to seek their aspiration and enthusiasm. I think Prof.Dr. Susan Schwab’s visit has both strategic and practical signification. Vietnam very much needs consultants, who have understanding and attachment to Vietnam to give truly advices…”

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phung Xuan Nha also affirmed that “University of Economics and Business - VNU has successfully cooperated with Link World Unlimited International Event Company in inviting Prof.Dr. Susan Schwab to Vietnam and lecture at UEB, after Prof. Tom Cannon's visit, this is a new progress when guiding the university to become the destination of intellection of the world…”.

Nearly 700 delegates attend to the seminar. 

 Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phung Xuan Nha connects the delegates to Prof. Susan Schwab.

News: Le Ai Lam - Luu Mai Anh Photos: Diep - Anh


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