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Exam season support: The youth’s memorable experience

The exam season support has brought many memorable experience
The image of blue shirts volunteers has currently become a meaningful feature for every exam season. Students of VNU University of Economics and Business have well-prepared to become enthusiastic volunteers, with the desire to spread humanitarian values in communities.

The UEB has always accompanied the volunteer’s activities over the past few years. In 2019, the volunteer campaign "Supporting the exam season" attracted a lot of students from the University to participate. In the National High School Graduation Exam 2019, the volunteers at Nguyen Tat Thanh High School have been extremely enthusiastic and actively guided students and parents from the first day.
  Volunteers are ready to support the candidates

From the early days of the exam, Hanoi's weather was extremely hot but it could not reduce the enthusiasm of the volunteers. With a high sense of responsibility, dynamism and passion, the volunteers have successfully completed their main tasks including guiding the candidates to the examination areas, navigating traffic around the examination areas, etc.

 Free water areas are always available for parents and students 

The volunteers were present from 6 a.m to make everything ready to support the contestants in their most important exam. The images of volunteer blue shirts helping students move to the exam area as well as the available tables of free water and food for parents and students have become the most beautiful symbols of each exam season.

Having experienced the National High School graduation exams in previous years, the volunteers understand the stress and anxiety of the contestants. Therefore, they are always available to help candidates feel most comfortable both before and after the exam.

During the examination, the volunteers have come to talk to parents of contestants. The stories of great college environment by volunteers have somehow helped parents reduce stress and worry about their children. Also, volunteers have provided some information relating school, exam, career opportunities for parents so that they can get some information and have the best orientation for their children.

Nguyen Phuong Thanh, a student of Faculty of Finance and Banking shared her memory of being a volunteer during the exam season in 2019: “I was a member of the Volunteer Team of –the UEB. Being assisted by volunteers from the previous year, I hoped to contribute my little effort to support the candidates. In addition, supporting the 2019 exam season is not only a usual volunteer activity but also an opportunity for volunteers to show their young spirit as well as responsibility to the community and society.

For UEB’s students, participating in volunteer activities allows them to live their fullest, have more responsibilities, experience memorable time and contribute to the community and themselves as well. Wearing the blue shirt gives the students opportunities to enjoy indispensable experiences during their student life.

The image of volunteers navigating traffic around the examination areas 
Contestants' happy smiles are UEB volunteers' success 

Thuy Trang - Thanh Tu


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