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[Business Challenges 2019] Matching mentor day

Within the framework of Business Challenges 2019 held by VNU University of Economics and Business in collaboration with Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF). Matching Mentor day took place at the Guest House of Vietnam National University, Hanoi on 7th July.

Previously, Business Challenges 2019 launched in April 2019 and came to the third round for project presentation and raising fund for start-up project.

Speaking at the event, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu - Vice Rector of VNU University of Economics and Business said, the competition attracted 427 contestants in 80 teams from different universities in Hanoi. The university always creates favorable conditions for the students to take part in the competition.


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu - Vice Rector of UEB spoke at the Matching Mentor Day

Matching Mentor Day organized for 15 teams of branch 1 - Startup, with the desire to connect mentors (from private businesses) to teams. Since then, each team will closely associate with the mentor they have chosen and mentors will accompany them during the competition. The smooth coordination between the team and the mentor is an important factor for the success of the project and the opportunity to win the highest award, the mentors will guide the team and help the ideas to work most effectively.

In addition, the event creates an opportunity to meet and connect teams with other mentors from many companies and businesses, contributing to more opportunities for start-ups and jobs after graduation.

All 24 mentors who participated in the event were successful start-ups, the heads of the business, with extensive experience in investment and human resource management. In common, mentors always sympathize and motivate students to dream of start-ups, they are willing to take time and effort to support the team even though they are really busy with their management work.

With the idea of ​​connecting photographers, photograph lovers, Nguyen Viet Phong students programmed and tested the Snap software (E-commerce floor connecting 15,000 photographers) in order to help units and individuals to find professional photographers nationwide. The project is anticipated to be highly feasible, with an estimated investment capital of over VND 1 billion.

Dr. Pham Hung Tien - Director of Friedrich Naumann Institute (FNF) spoke at the Festival

At the event, 15 teams have their own product/project display table to introduce the idea/product in the most creative form of the fields including information technology; educational technology; investment; finance; insurance; garment; food; medicine; buildings; logistic chain, etc. The teams will show their potential and plan with 3 minutes to introduce the project for mentors to choose.


Mentors introduce themselves and their entrepreneurial paths


Board of management of the competition

This event can also be called a "day between the team and mentor”, which is of great significance for the race to win the championship when the competition ends.

Mr. Lai Manh Quan, General Director of Trang An Post Insurance Company, an alumnus of UEB the Institute of Business Administration, who worked as the judge during 4 seasons and became mentor in this year’s competition shared: Being an examiner was very stressful 4 years ago, as each team has their own strength and great enthusiasm so it was extremely difficult to choose the best team; thus this year I decided to become mentor to reduce pressure as well as try myself in a new position, hoping that the team I choose today will work effectively together to win high results at the competition.


The festival has connected businesses with teams 

Business Challenges 2019 is a professional festival that combines theoretical learning with practical skills aiming to create for UEB's students in particular, and young people in general a useful playground, contribute to improve the quality of training, open new opportunities for young start-ups while also helping businesses recruit young, dynamic, capable and aspiring students.

List of the team and their mentors 
>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese. 


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