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UEB Cheerleading team goes straight to the final round

Cheerleading team of University of Economics and Business - VNU has once again performed excellently, gained the highest score and overcame the rival to go to the final round at U-League Contest.

As previously reported, at primary round, UEB Cheerleading team has had a convincing performance, reaching 36 points; together with other three teams go to the “knockout” round.

During two weeks of preparation, UEB team has learnt and practiced difficult movements, which require high technical qualification. Before the show time, the team has assured that they will bring with an impressive and beautiful performance.

In the afternoon of 26th December, Gia Lam Gymnasium was again animated with thousands students from four universities: University of Economics and Business - VNU, Foreign Trade University; Dai Nam University and Hanoi University of Agriculture. The contesting ground was filled with excitement when FTU team started by an impressive and powerful performance. The excellence of the team has received a high score of 34, which created a pressure on three remaining teams.

Being self-confident with careful practice for the last two weeks, Cheerleading team of University of Economics and Business - VNU entered the ground in the support encouragement of all audiences. They all knew how excellent UEB team was and expected a more impressive performance.

The performance of UEB team has drawn notable interest and received the highest score.

Responding to audiences’ expectation, UEB Cheer Leader has performed excellent and highly technical movements and completely conquered the judges. With 35 points, the team has confirmed the superiority over other teams.

The final round is planed to organized on 2nd January 2011 to find the champion of universities in Northern area. The team will be sent to Hochiminh City for a contest with Southern universities to find the champion of Vietnam’s universities cheerleading team.



Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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