Trang tin tức sự kiện

Thống kê bài báo ISI/SCOPUS của Khoa Kinh tế Chính trị năm 2019

1.    Tran, T.Q, Pham, H.H, Vo, H. T Luu, T.H, & Nguyen, H.M (2019). Local governance, education and occupation-education mismatch: Heterogeneous effects on wages in a lower middle economy. International Journal of Educational Development [SSC], Elsevier, Neitherlands.

2.    Van Hoang, C, Tran, T.Q, Nguyen.Y.H.T & Nguyen. K.D (2019). Is Land ownership a key Factor in the Choice of Livelihood in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam? Human Ecology. Doi:10.1007/s 10745-019-00101-y[SCCI], Springer, Neitherlands.

3.    Nguyen,T.A, Tran, T.Q, Van, H.V,& Luu, D.Q. (2019). Access to homebuyer credit and housing satisfaction among households buying affordable apartments in urban Vietnam, Cogent Economics & Finance 7 (1), doi:10.1080/23322039.2019.1638112 [Scopus], taylor&Francis,UK.

4.    Tran,T.Q,Doan,T.T, Van, H.V & Nguyen H.T ( 2019), Heterogenous inpacts of provincial governance on household welfare in Vietnam, international Journal of Social Welfare, 1-13. Doi: 10.111/ijsw.12337.[SSCI], Wiley –Blackwell.UK

5.    Phan,D.H,Tran, T.Q, Phan, A, & Hoang,L.X ( 2019). Farmland and household livelihood: a Quantitive analysis of households in rural Vietnam. Human Grographies, [ Scopus]

6.    Mai NA, Van HV, Bien XB, Tran TQ (1019), The Lasting effects of innovation on firm profitability: Panel evidence from a transitional economy, Economic Research [ SSCI], Taylor 7 Francis, UK.

7.    Hoa Trong Hoang, Ha Thu Nguyen, Anh Chi Phan, Duong Huy Phan, Phong Thai Le, Contunuous improvement: An Empirical Review in Vietnam Economics Bulletin, Volime 39, Issue 2, Pages 1202-1214.5/2019,[scopus]

8.    Phan Thi Thu Hien, Nguyen Thi Thu Hoai, Nguyen Thi Hai Van, The inpact of CEOS to CSR Practises. The case of textile and Garment in Nam Dinh, Viet Nam, Case Studies Journal ISSN, Volume 8, Issue 5 – May 2019,, ISSN

9.     Nguyen Thi Thu Hoai, Phan Thi Thu Hien , Nguyen Thi Hai Van, The impact of management profile on CSR practices, mediate and moderate model: The case of Textile and Garment in Nam Dinh, Viet Nam, Management Science Letters, On line first:June, 2019,, [SCOPUS]

10.  Pham Thi Hong Diep, Nguyen Viet Hanh, Application of Holstat model in evaluating the quality of education: Evidence from Vietnam, first author, Management Science Leter (SCOPUS), DOI: 10.5267/j.msl.2019.6.017,,  Volume 9 Issue 11 Pages 1741 - 1748 (2019)

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