Trang tin tức sự kiện

The UEB News has been available

The UEB News is an English-language quarterly newspaper published by the University of Economics and Business - Vietnam National University, Hanoi. The UEB News is issued on every 15th of the last month of a quarter. The first volume was issued on June 15th, 2010.

The UEB News covers international and national economic and business news and issues. It also introduces in short the School’s collaboration programs and publications like books and journals of science recently published. And The UEB News saves a majority part of its content to bring readers update information of the studies already completed or in process by UEB’ s lecturers, staff and students.

The UEB News is issued in three types including: hardcopies, PDF attached in the School’s website and digital version. They are sent to all the School’s functional offices, faculties, centers and staff.

On this occasion, on behalf of the Center for Journal and Publishing, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the establishment of The UEB News. In order to better the quality of The UEB News, I’d like to ask you all to send your comments and writings to the Editorial Board at:

Board of editor The UEB News

Room 703, E4, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: (84-4) 3754 7506 (etx. 703 – 713)





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Công ty CP XNK Bình Tây (BITEX) Công ty CP Đầu tư IMG Ngân hàng TMCP Quân Đội (MB) Ngân hàng TMCP Đầu tư và PTVN (BIDV) Viện kế toán Công chứng Anh và xứ Wales
Ngân hàng Việt Nam Thịnh Vượng (VPBank)
Tổng công ty Hàng không Việt Nam
Ngân hàng TMCP Đại chúng Việt Nam
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