Trang tin tức sự kiện

Sang-Hoon Kim

General Information


Sang-Hoon Kim is Professor of Marketing at SNU Business School. He joined the SNU faculty in 2001. He received a bachelor’s degree at Seoul National University in business administration, and earned a master’s degree at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in management science. He also received an MBA at the University of Chicago, and received a Ph D. from Stanford University in the area of marketing.
Professor Kim’s main research interest lies in the field of art and culture marketing; the marketing strategies of arts, performances, movies, music, games, and media.
His academic papers have appeared in major journals such as the Journal of Business Research, the Journal of Product Innovation Management, and Industrial Marketing Management. He wrote several books about marketing trends and high-tech marketing. One of his books received an honorable award from Maeil Business Newspaper in 2005.
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