Attending the meeting, there were Mr. Pham Duc Trung Kien - Chairman of Red Square Vietnam, Chairman and Senior Advisor of TPG Investment Fund, Former Chairman of VEF (Vietnam Education Foundation). From the UEB, there were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - Rector and heads of offices.
Opening the meeting, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Nguyen Truc Le gave an overview of the University, especially the internationalization in education of the university. Rector of the UEB said the University has a cooperative partnership with over 20 foreign universities in the world. UEB’s students have plenty of chances to receive valuable scholarships.
Mr. Pham Duc Trung Kien (in black glasses)
At the meeting, Mr. Pham Duc Trung Kien said UEB’s students are among the best students in Vietnam, it is not hard to select 10 to 15 students for the scholarship. He emphasized that in order to win foreign scholarships, students must have competent language skills and high level of adaptability.
The meeting ended in the warm atmosphere of partnership
With experience of studying and working in foreign countries for nearly 20 years, Rector of the UEB - Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le understood the value of the scholarships for those who receive. He pledged to encourage the best students to apply for the programs.