At the UEB, student advisors play a critical role in academic activities. In his speech during the conference, UEB’s Rector emphasized “Academic advisors are responsible for consulting, supporting and answering questions from the students as well as timely propose solutions for unexpected problems during training process.”
Thanks to the support of the academic advisors, the rate of early graduates increased over the years, especially, some students finished their studying in five to six semesters. This brings both time and financial benefits to the students, helping them save living expenses, get jobs and start their career earlier.
Speaking about the academic advisors, student Nguyen Thi Hong from Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, who won the Vietnamese Talent Scholarship of 100-million VND said, “The network of academic advisors provide us with valuable support. The advisors are so friendly, we can ask them many questions from lessons to problems in real life.”
Also in the academic year of 2020-2021, the UEB will implement the early warning system to support the students with problems in training process. Assoc.Prof.PhD. Le Trung Thanh - Head of the Academic Affairs said, the early warning system will create differential in the UEB’s training curriculum. The UEB's functional offices (Office of Academic Affairs, Office of Political and Student Affairs) will join with seventy academic advisors to monitor the study plan of each student, helping them quickly solve any arising problems.