At the information day, UEB has been honest to welcome all college’s cooperated partners and over 300 school students and school student’s parents.
Asso.Prof.Dr. Phung Xuan Nha, UEB’s Rector has presented a speech to introduce about the college and its development strategies. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, UEB’s Vice Rector also introduced about college’s bachelor programs.
In 2008, UEB will enroll 5 training majors:
- Political Economics
- International Economics
- Banking and finance
- Business administration
- Development economics (starting in 2008)
In the information day, the new program, Bachelor of Business Administration (International standard), was introduced with the enrolment target of 60 students. This program was based to the BA program of some famous global universities in this training area. During the course, the international curriculum and reference materials would be provided to the students. Moreover, students would have chance to have reality practices at the domestic and international companies in Vietnam.
At the end of the session, the talk show solved about 50 questions from the students and parents about the training courses. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phung Xuan Nha, Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, Mr. Vu Hong Nam - Gami group’s Vice President, Ms. Le Mai Lan - BTC’s Director and Mr. Truong Quoc Hung - BOD President of EMG Education were attended the talk show.
Most of the students and parents were interested in the requirement of enrolment for some program such as high quality bachelor program and the bachelor of business administration program. They also asked about the scholarships, tuitions fees, facilities and practices, student’s rights and the opportunities when they graduate from UEB.

Mr. Vu Hong Nam - Vice President of Gami group at the information day.

The students and parents can find the information which they interested.