Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Nguyen Thi Tram

1. Dissertation title: Settling job and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization in Nghe An Province

2. Author: Nguyen Thi Tram

3. Major: Political Economics

4. Ref. Code No.:

5. Supervisors: Prof. PhD. Pham Quang Phan

6. Academic Institution: Faculty of Political Economics, VNU University of Economics and Business.

7. Summary of main contents

7.1. Object and Scope of Study

7.1.1. Object of the Study

The object of the study is “Settling job and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization in Nghe An Province”.

7.1.2. Scope of the Study

 - In terms of space: The dissertation provides a survey and inquiry data on agricultural land acquisition in districts and towns where the area of acquired agricultural land is large, rapid rate of urbanization and many developing industrial zones in Nghe An Province.

 - In terms of time: The dissertation provided analyzed data regarding the settlement of job and assurance of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization in Nghe An Province from 2001 to the end of December 2014.

- In terms of studying contents: By comprehension in settling job and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization consisting of different contents. In limitation of the studied dissertation, the author only focuses on research: Settling job and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization in Nghe An Province.

7.2. Objectives and Inquiries of Research
7.2.1. Objectives of Research

In order to contribute to complement theories on job settlement and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization in general and settling jobs and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization in Nghe An Province in particular, this dissertation is studied for purpose of:

 - Systematizing theories on settling jobs and assuring of the land-acquisited employee’s life in the process of industrialization and urbanization.

 - Studying experience of settling jobs and assuring of the land-acquisited employee’s life in localities and withdraw experienced lesson for Nghe An Province.

 - Analyzing the actual situation of settling job and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization in Nghe An Province since 2001 until now, indicating achieved results as well as existences, limitations and causes.

 - Proposing wiewpoints and solutions to more effectively deal with this problem in Nghe An Province in the near future.

7.2.2. Inquiries of Research

The dissertation is focused on answering the following specific questions:

Question 1: Which opinion should be implemented as settling job and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization? Who are in-charge people?

Question 2: Which model of research should be used to settle job and assure of the employee’s life after land acquisition and the relation between job settment and life assurance?

Question 3: What is the experienced lesson for settling job and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization of the provinces in the country?

Question 4: How to apply experiences of the provinces and cities all over the country in settling job and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization in Nghe An? On that basis, how shall the mechanism and method to settle job and assure of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization so that Nghe An Province could more effectively apply in settling job and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization in the next time?

7.3. Methods of Research

In order to achieve the research objectives, the author use the methods of dialectical materialism and historical materialism and also the methods of scientific abstraction to analyze the theoretical and practical issues. Using statistical and quantitative analysis methods to assess the real situation of settling job and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization in Nghe An Province.

Surveying method: Surveying and indirectly sampling through the questionnaire in combination with direct observation method on situation of settling job and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the surveyed area.

In relation to the object, purpose, contents of survey, the author has presented in Appendix 2 of the disseration. In each district, the author surveys 50 households, however, during processing of data, many votes are not used because the farmer does not give adequate answers. Because the survey sheets are incidentally issued before recovery, the author is impossble to use SPSS model to process data but the author only uses method of data statistics and analysis. When the author uses data by statistical method, depending on each question, there has various different answers. However, the author suggests that with the scope and object of own study, the data in survey sample shall be representative and assures of reliability for research results.

7.4. New contributions of the dissertation:

In addition to the contribution of the theoretical systematization on settling job and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization, the dissertation has new contributions as follow:

Firstly, through general review of research related to the dissertation title, finding space for further studies on settling job and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition in the process of industrialization and urbanization.

Secondly, analyzing the impact of land acquisition to the employment and land-acquisited people’s life in the process of industrialization and urbanization since 2001 until now.        

Thirdly, finding out and assessing achievement and unachievement of the local authorities in land management and acquisition, settlement of compensation and clearance, resettlement, creating job for land-acquisited people. Since then proposing some effective opinions and solutions for settling job and assuring of the employee’s life after land acquisition.


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