Talkshow “In Dialogue with UEB’s Rector” Make the career dreams come true

In the exciting atmosphere of the new school year, VNU University of Economics and Business organized many activities to welcome new students of intake QH-2018-E.

This was a series of activities that take place at the beginning of the school year to help fresh students quickly integrate into new environment and receive encouragement, guidance from senior students, the lecturers, and the University.

This year, the talkshow "In Dialogue with UEB's Rector - Make the career dream come true" took place on August 29th and August 30th, 2018.

Warmly welcome to “Fresh students”

Welcoming new students is not only a "procedure" at the beginning of the school year but also a warm greetings of lecturers and senior students to fresh students. The talkshow "In Dialogue with the Rector" was a big surprise to the students.

UEB's Rector - Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le 

First year students will definitely be confused and have lots of questions that need to be answered when entering into new learning environment. At the talk show, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - Rector of  VNU University of Economics and Business, answered many questions given by the students. Besides, the Rector also shared many useful tips such as: how to become confident students, gain experiences, learn and practice efficiently, etc. to become a global citizen in near future.


A student asked about the qualities to meet the current trend. Answering the question, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le mentioned three qualities "initiative - confidence - responsibility". The students should be active in approaching, arranging and screening information; be confident with self-determination in learning and daily life; and be responsible for their choices with the determination to achieve the goal.

UEB’s Students: Assert yourself on the process of global integration

The topic of "internationalization of education" received the attention of many students. Assoc.Prof. Dr. Nguyen Truc Le said that UEB’s objectives of internationalization in education focused in 3 areas. Firstly, the international environment has been built at the University, which is emphasized by international exchange activities of lecturers and students from the leading universities in the area and all over the world. Secondly, students have opportunities to work, to learn from top professor, lecturers and students from many foreign countries. Thirdly, international integration would come from lectures, scientific research as well as access to modern and practical knowledge.


Many other questions of career orientation have been shared by the Rector. In addition, he talked more about the criteria and conditions of students which meet the requirements of a global citizen.


He also added that each major will focus on different specialties; however, the career opportunities are always open to all students because high quality human resources in Vietnam are not enough. This is the "problem" that VNU University of Economics and Business is going to solve for enterprises.


Open dialogue - effective bridge between students and UEB

Career orientation for students was not a new topic, but it has never been old for any students entering into university. Through the Dialogue with the Rector, UEB’s students had the opportunity to directly ask questions, receive advice and sharing from Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - UEB’s Rector. Through these communication channel, the University learn about students’ thoughts, concerns, and expectations, which help develop strategic solutions which meet the needs of students, the demand of businesses and  how to train students to become global citizens.

>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese. 

Thai Thinh

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