3rd ASEAN Education Forum: Green Education for Sustainable Development

Hanoi, on 19th August 2010, the UEB and the Asia Strategy & Leadership Institute cooperated to organize the 3rd ASEAN Education Forum 2010 entitled “Green Education for Sustainable Development.”

Attending to the forum were over a hundred of delegates from ten countries in ASEAN and Asia who are senior representatives of governmental agencies, legislation organizatioins, and theoretical and research institutes; leaders of ministries, VNU, universities, associations, enterprises, and press agencies operating in the economic, socio-cultural and educational field in Vietnam and overseas.


Mr. Nguyen Van Duc, Vice Miniter of Natural Resources and Enviroment

It was an honor for the forum to welcome Mr. Nguyen Van Duc, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Enviroment; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Bo Linh, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly’s Committee for Science and Technology; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Viet Thong, General Secretary of the Central Theoretical Council; Prof.Dr. Mai Trong Nhuan, President of VNU; Prof. Dato Saifuddin Abdulah, Deputy Minister of Education, Malaysia; and Dr. Dato’s Michael Yeoh, Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute.

Prof.Dr. Mai Trong Nhuan - President of VNU welcomed the delegates attending the Forum 

The 3rd ASEAN Education Forum was to boost partnership between Asian and ASEAN public and private universities and to establish a system of green education towards environmental protection and sustainable development. Today, it is a must for legislation and curricula to be designed toward green education as the global climate change and environmental degradation have impacted more and more seriously on all countries. Therefore, the 3rd Education Forum was an opportunity for policy makers, university managers and enterprise leaders in the ASEAN region to exchange ideas and propose a basis of and to enhance the role of green education for sustainable development and smart reactions against climate change and for an ASEAN green economy.

In the morning, the participants who attended the ministerial level meeting entitled “New Strategy and Policy for Green Education” discussed the following issues:

- Strategy and policy recommendations

- Establishing a common basis of green education for the region; Building competency for ASEAN member countries; looking for new motivations in ASEAN’s system of higher education; and using advantages of green education.

The participants paid special attentions to some presentations

At the university level meeting, the participants who are representatitives and leaders of universities exchanged their ideas of “Green Education - A Future Education Model” after they had listened to the presentations by Prof. Mai Trong Nhuan - VNU President, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Ly - President of Founding Council of Star Hue Educational System, Prof. Tan Sri Dato' Dzulkifli Abd Razak-Vice Director of Sains University, Malaysia, and Prof.Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia about:

- Core values

- Ground of green education

- Technology to support green education research and implementation

- Required infrustructures

- Methods that universities can use to support creation of green education

- Several case studies from Asean member countries.

In the afternoon, the participants were splited into two sessions. In Session 1, the discussion subject was the “Expanding Private Education Sector for Sustainable Development: Motivations, Challenges and Opportunities” and in Session 2 - “The Start of ASEAN Towads Green Education: The Role of Higher Education and Vocational Training.”

Ms. Ton Nu Thi Ninh expressing her opinions of green education

In Session 1, Prof. Ediberto C.de Jesus - President, ASEAN Management Institute, Philippines; Prof. Ha Ton Vinh - Director of Stellar Management and Ms. Ton Nu Thi Ninh - President of Tri Viet International University Project gave presentations about:

- Selecting green ideas to boost the development of private education in the educational system. Development of enterprises and implications for private education.

-  Equal opportunity in education for everybody. Is it true if private education is only for talented people?

- Ensuring quality of private education - How can private universities balance between for-profit objectives and quality?

In Session 2, the participants exchanged of “The Start of ASEAN Toward a Green Economy: The Role of Higher Education and Vocational Training” after Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phung Xuan Nha - Rector of UEB, Dang Le Nguyen Vu - Chairman of Board of Director, Trung Nguyen Coffee, and Thai Quang Trung - a representative of Hanns Seidel Fund had presented of:

- International recognition of higher education qualification inside and outside ASEAN

-  The people who have key role in higher education and labor market.

-  Can graduate students start working right after graduation? Can accreditation of higher education narrow gaps between training and application? 

At the end of the day, the participants agreed of the joint declaration of green education.


Infomation about hosting organizations of 3rd ASEAN Education Forum:
About ASLI

The Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI) is dedicated to creating a better society and is an independent not-for-profit organization that promotes leadership, strategic thinking and bilateral business partnerships. ASLI’s mission is to help organizations enhance leadership and strategic capabilities through the interchance of ideas, information and knowledge. Towards that end, ASLI continuously engages in the research and implementation of strategic leadership programmes, publications, conferences, CEO Membership Forums, and international bilateral business missions.

About VNU

Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) is the first modern university ever established and one of the two national universities in Vietnam. VNU has undergone various stages of development: the University of Indochina established on 16 May 1906.

VNU is the largest comprehensive higher education and research contre in Vietnam. VNU has been entrusted with the task of producing highly qualified human resources and talent for the industrialization and modernization of the country. VNU holds a special position in the Vietnam’s higher education system, operating according to a special regulation promulagated by the Prime Minister. VNU’s colleges and institute maintain their juridical person status as a higher education and scientific research institution as regulated by the Law on Education and the Law on Science-Technology.

About UEB, VNU

University of Economics and Business (UEB) was formerly known as the Political Economy Faculty of the University of Hanoi (1974-1995), the Political Economy Faculty of College of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU (1995-1999) and the Economics Faculty of VNU (1999-03/2007).

Thirty years following its establishment, UEB has attained many notable achievements, contributing to the education and training of VNU, and the nation as a whole. Over time it has affirmed its position as a trusted and highly appreciated institution in Vietnamese society.

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