The research results presented in the book are the efforts of a collective of authors, including scientists, lecturers, experts, and managers with reputation and experience in the field of agriculture and forestry in Vietnam. The research results aim to provide analytical frameworks, information and data for policy makers and stakeholders in formulating and implementing policies on natural resources and environment and change. climate, promote and support the development of value chains and trade in agro-forestry products in the direction of sustainable development.The research results presented in the book are the efforts of a collective of authors, including scientists, lecturers, experts, and managers with reputation and experience in the field of agriculture and forestry in Vietnam. The research results aim to provide analytical frameworks, information and data for policy makers and stakeholders in formulating and implementing policies on natural resources and environment and change. climate, promote and support the development of value chains and trade in agro-forestry products in the direction of sustainable development.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen An Thinh, Dr. Pham Thu Thuy (Co-editor)
Cover Type:
Book size: 16 x
Price: 890,000 VND
Place of
publication: VNU Publishing House
ISBN: 978-604-369-407-9
Trade in
agro-forestry products plays a key role in Vietnam's economy and is also an
important link in the global value chain of agro-forestry products. However,
the value chain and trade of agricultural products are facing competitive challenges
in the integration process, and trade barriers when Vietnam signs and ratifies new
generation of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), as well as ecological crises in the
long and short term (climate change, acid rain, epidemics, COVID-19 pandemic).
To catch up with the world trend and solve the above difficulties, government
agencies, donors and scientific research units are making efforts to cooperate
in finding and building solutions, mechanisms and policies and techniques to
support Vietnam to fulfill its international commitments, respond to domestic
and foreign market requirements for agro-forestry products and improve the
sustainability of the economy.
In the past 10
years, many groundbreaking new policies to promote the development of the
agricultural product industry have been born. Vietnam is also one of the
countries in Asia that has received a large number of technical assistance
projects for knowledge and technology transfer in the field of agriculture and
forestry from many foreign organizations. The development and application of
science and technology in agricultural product innovation is also recognized as
one of the outstanding achievements of the agricultural sector and a priority
of the national socio-economic development programs. However, so far, there are
very few scientific publications presenting in-depth research results on
theory, policy and practical lessons related to value chain and trade of agricultural
products in Vietnam, especially in the context of globalization and ecological
The editor of the
book "Value chain and trade of Vietnam's agricultural and forestry
products in the context of international integration and ecological
crisis" is Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen An Thinh (University of Economics and
Business, VNU) and Dr. Pham Thu Thuy (International Forestry Research
Organization - CIFOR) has national and international research experience with
deep expertise in development research, natural and environmental economics,
political and social sciences climate change policy and sustainable
development. The research results presented in this book are the efforts of a
collective of authors, including scientists, lecturers, experts, and managers
with reputation and experience in the field of agriculture and forestry in
Vietnam. The research results aim to provide analytical frameworks, information
and data for policy makers and stakeholders in formulating and implementing
policies on natural resources and environment and change. climate, promote and
support the development of value chains and trade in agricultural and forestry
products in the direction of sustainable development.
The content of the
book is structured in 4 parts with 40 chapters including: Developmental
theories in value chain research, trade in agro-forestry products,
international integration and ecological crises challenging development
sustainable agriculture (Part 1, including 9 chapters); Potential market for
agro-forestry products, national policies and barriers to trade in
agro-forestry products (Part 2, including 11 chapters); Sustainable
agro-forestry systems and ecological crisis response and resilience (Part 3,
consisting of 9 chapters); Experience in developing a number of sustainable
national, regional and local agro-forestry product value chains (Part 4,
including 11 chapters).
The highlight of
the book is to provide readers with up-to-date information on policies and
theories of value chain development in the agro-forestry sector being applied
in the world, effective multi-sectoral management methods, successful models
and lessons learned in value chain development and trade in agro-forestry
products on national, regional and local scales with the expectation that
successful initiatives can be considered and replicated.

Nguyen An Thinh is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Development
Economics, University of Economics and Business, VNU, and holds the position
of Vice President of the International Association of Landscape Ecology in
Vietnam (VN-IALE).
to now, he has published 20 domestic and international monographs (of which
he co-edited 3 books of Springer Publishing House), more than 100 scientific
articles published in domestic specialized journals, more than 100 scientific
articles published in specialized journals. 30 scientific articles published
in international journals in the list of ISI/SCOPUS. For three consecutive
years (2019-2021), Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen An Thinh received a certificate of
merit from the President of VNU, commending the excellent scientist for
international publication and registration of intellectual property of VNU.

Pham Thu Thuy is a senior scientist at the International Forestry Research
Organization (CIFOR). With experience working in more than 17 countries
around the world, she is currently the Director of the Global Comparative
Research Program on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest
Degradation (REDD) at CIFOR. She is a member of the Editorial Boards of the
journals Land Use Science and Forest and Society.
to now, Dr. Pham Thu Thuy has published about 150 scientific research works
in leading scientific journals in the field. In 2016, she was awarded the
Certificate of Merit by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development for
her outstanding important contribution to forestry policy, especially the
Policy on Payment for Forest Environmental Services. In 2020, Dr. Pham Thu
Thuy and her research team won the award for the best scientific article and
the most cited/downloaded by readers around the world by the journal Forest
and Society.
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