UEB lecturers with articles published in domestic and international journals: Great motivation to make a breakthrough

Publishing research products in leading domestic and international prestigious scientific journals plays an extremely important role, not only as a milestone for researchers to develop more valuable topics, contributing to the general knowledge treasure, but also affirming the academic prestige of the lecturers in particular and the university in general. In the first 6 months of 2021, the VNU University of Economics and Business has recognized the efforts and contributions of its staff and lecturers when there are quality articles published in leading Vietnamese and international journals.

With continuous innovation and creativity efforts in scientific research activities, VNU VNU University of Economics and Businesshas been gradually affirming its position. The scientific works researched by the University of Economics and Business have made a very positive contribution to the development in the fields of economics, business and management research, etc. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - Rector of the VNU University of Economics and Business, Deputy Editor-in-Chief in charge of VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business commented: “The publication of scientific articles in prestigious domestic and foreign journals is of great importance for each student, individual research authors, and to the units or organizations in which such individuals work. The more research an agency or organization is recognized, the more prestigious it will be in the field of research.”

In addition, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le also emphasized that publishing articles in prestigious journals also shows the passion and dedication of the scientists themselves, when living and working with research passion. Nothing will be happier and more proudful than to see their research published in leading national and international journals, creating motivation for the authors to continue to explore, discover and have more quality, engaging, and meaningful publications.


 Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - Rector of VNU University of Economics and Business

UEB lecturers continuously affirm their position in domestic and international scientific "arena"

In the first 6 months of 2021, the University recorded more than 50 articles published in domestic journals and more than 40 articles published in international journals, of which more than 30 articles were published on ISI/Scopus - one of the most prestigious and quality magazine catalog systems in the world. The fact that scientific articles are published in prestigious domestic and foreign journals, first of all, shows recognition for the quality of research, as well as the results of intellect, enthusiasm, serious and hard work of scholars. It's the whole process of creativity, exploration and discovery. At the same time, this also marks the name, capacity, as well as affirming the academic prestige of researchers at the national and international level, known by many domestic and foreign readers.

It can be seen that, with the halfway through 2021, the numbers show more growth than the same period last year, which is a good sign as lecturers were increasingly interested and invested in science research. Many scientific articles have been published in the world-renowned Q1 journal in the ISI/ Scopus catalog, which shows the orientation of applied research combining science and internationalization orientation under the University's development goals in this period are being well implemented.

With these results, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu - Vice Rector of VNU University of Economics and Business also said that through research works, lecturers have also proved their capacity and enthusiasm.


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Anh ThuVice Rector of UEBVNU University of Economics and Business: “Having papers published in major national and international magazines is a recognition and encouragement for the lecturers themselves, as well as the pride of the school when there are dedicated lecturers contributing greatly for the field of scientific research in general as well as the prestige and brand of the University in particular.”


"UEB scientists" with published domestic journals: A stepping stone for strong development

To obtain achievements in scientific research is not possible in a day or two, but a challenging journey. The authors not only invest brainpower, but also patience and perseverance to explore and thoroughly analyze the issues. In that journey, many difficulties are encountered, because the research process always requires creativity and new ideas, collecting practical, diverse and objective data, presented according to strict standards in terms of form, style, citation... And the fact that articles are published in prestigious domestic journals is considered a stepping stone, creating more impetus for the development of research works with scale, quality, oriented to publication in international journals of "UEB scientists" in the future.



List of articles published in domestic journals by officials and lecturers

UEBVNU University of Economics and Businessin the first 6 months of 2021 (see more here)


MA. Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai - Lecturer of the Faculty of Economics and International Business - one of the research authors with a domestic journal article shared: “For me, a scientific article - even though it is published in domestic or international magazines - are knowledge products, products made with seriousness and tireless work. It is a process that is both “suffering” but also “happy”. I enjoy the "suffering" of the article preparation process, the deadlocks and fatigue, but mixed with it is the simple "happiness" of learning, knowing something I didn't know before...".


MA Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai Lecturer of the Faculty of Economics and International Business:
“Seeing my scientific products published in prestigious scientific journals, I am motivated to continue trying harder on the path of scientific research and discovering new knowledge.”


The process of international economic integration of Vietnam requires UEB lecturers to set the goal of becoming scientists to have "calibre" and stand firmly in the domestic and international scientific arena. Perhaps, that always motivates the lecturers to try their best to conquer the research path. The road to success is never covered with roses, there will be challenges and thorns that make you tired and faltering, but above all, surely all efforts will be rewarded. Scientific research too, in order to progress to internationally recognized scientific products, “always actively seek and learn about new professional knowledge and research methods; seek help from colleagues; participate in scientific research projects, teams with leading experts and scientists with the same research direction… to learn and develop their own capacity further.” MA Mai confided.

The "UEB scientists" with international publication: A great source of motivation to firmly believe in breakthroughs

VNU University of Economics and Business has created a professional academic environment, attracting many international speakers to know the university's brand, affirming its academic reputation in the scientific research community in international study.

UEB lecturers are all well-trained at universities and research institutes at home and abroad, so they all have professional knowledge and good research capacity. Many lecturers have published research papers in major international journals.



List of articles published in international journals by staff and lecturers

VNU University of Economics and Business in the first 6 months of 2021 (See more here)


With the results that "UEB scientists" have achieved, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen An Thinh - Dean of Faculty of Development Economics, VNU University of Economics and Business - one of UEB's scientists with many achievements published in international journals on the ISI list, main authors of many monographs, shared: “International publication while working in Vietnam is a challenge, of which the most important is the challenge of research time and research funding. For scientists who are starting their scientific research journey and publishing articles in international journals in Vietnam, I think there are 3 most important factors.The first factor is hard work, the second is the spirit of cooperation and teamwork skills, and the last factor is the spirit of learning, curiosity, willingness to accept differences...".

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen An Thinh: “Scientific research creates my core values. For me, scientific research is maintained as a daily habit!”



With his rich experience, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen An Thinh said that the research journey of scientists in general and young researchers in particular needs hard work to maintain their working tasks on a regular basis, overcoming pressures from all aspects of life, in addition to training teamwork skills as well as a spirit of inquisitiveness to achieve success.

In addition to the "veteran" researchers of the school, the articles published internationally in the first 6 months of 2021 also have the contributions of many talented young lecturers.

“Behind every article published in a prestigious international journal is a journey of tireless scientific research and emotions that are difficult to describe in words. Before being officially accepted for publication in prestigious international journals, most articles will undergo a few rejections and need time to edit and supplement according to the comments and recommendations of the review panels. Therefore, for young lecturers like me, publishing scientific articles gives me a feeling of joy and happiness after a long period of incubating ideas, collecting data, processing, analyzing and discussing the results until long days of waiting for the conclusions of the review scholars” - Those are the emotional confessions of Dr. Nguyen Duc Bao - a young lecturer at Faculty of Political Economy, VNU University of Economics and Business, after receiving the good news off his article published in an international journal.

Dr. Nguyen Duc Bao - Lecturer at Faculty of Political Economy: “I feel honored and happy when my research results are recognized in the international arena, making a small contribution to science world and introducing international articles “made by Vietnam”, therefore partly increasing UEB's academic reputation in the international arena”.


On the scientific research journey of each lecturer, especially young lecturers, it is indispensable for the support, companionship and academic sharing from domestic and international scientific instructors, colleagues and researchers. Their research experience can be a valuable resource to provide young lecturers with specific comments for direction, improving ideas, quality of writing, and recommending a comprehensive resource which is reliable and suitable to the research topic and direction.

VNU University of Economics and Business currently has been making efforts to encourage and create a basic foundation to promote the strategy of science and technology development with the goal of having more lecturers with international articles under the ISI/Scopus category. Facing the positive signals that the school's lecturers have received in the first half of 2021, along with the growth in the quantity and quality of articles published in domestic and international journals, MA. Nguyen Duc Lam - Deputy Head of Department in charge of Office of Research and Partnership Development  said: “In recent years, the number of lecturers with strong research ability, who graduated from top universities in the world recruited from the world also contribute to improving the quantity/quality of articles published in domestic and international journals.”

On the way of scientific research and having more and more scientific articles published in prestigious journals in the world, the university provide the lecturers with policies to encourage and timely support them as well as create favorable conditions in all aspects, helping them maximize their capacity and successfully complete research.

That is the guidance and professional advice from colleagues, experts and experienced scientists, the University will also be a bridge for lecturers and researchers to connect with other institutions, organize research, collect the necessary information for the topic, set up training courses to improve research capacity. At the same time, policies on support costs, recognition, encouragement and rewards at all levels with valuable research works are also a great source of motivation for UEB lecturers to strive for excellence with many more famous works in leading domestic and foreign magazines.

With these achievements, together with the determination, efforts and perseverance of UEB scientists, surely the quantity and quality of scientific articles published in prestigious domestic and international journals will grow even stronger in the future, contributing to bring the brand and academic reputation of the VNU University of Economics and Business to the next higher levels.

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