UEBers Embark with Passion: Envisioning Dreams Through Journeys of Youth

At the threshold of ages 18 and 20, we are the dreamy youngsters with various visions about life. We dream of faraway journeys together, visiting numerous places, encapsulating the memorable moments of the most beautiful phase of our lives. And then, our teachers and the University of Economics - our shared home, the place we've chosen to be part of for four youthful years, have provided wings and presented us with a "special" ticket, granting us the opportunity to gaze upon and explore the vast world ahead.

Chapter 1: The Beginnings of Dreams' Journey


With the goal of internationalizing education, particularly through international student exchange programs with over 50 prominent universities spanning across Asia to Europe, the Americas, and beneficial Study Tour programs, the University of Economics and Business - VNU has been and is expanding its doors, nurturing dreams for students to step out and explore the vast world, absorb new intellectual essence, and refine themselves into global citizens.

The journey of exploring the world and fulfilling the dreams of UEBers officially begins with the first destination being the beautiful country of Germany

Seizing that opportunity with the support of our teachers and the University, by the end of September 2022, we (including: Nguyen Dac Thuy Vinh, K20A Troy; Tran Duc Binh, QH-2018-E QTKD; Dong Diem Quyen, K20A Troy; Nguyen Le Minh Hang, QH-2020-E KTQT) successfully obtained the "ticket" to participate in the international student exchange program at the University of Regensburg, Germany. Our teachers, friends, and families believe that we will be outstanding representatives of the university, connecting, learning, and exchanging cultures in a country known as the workshop of Europe.


We bundled up a spectrum of emotions from nervousness to excitement for this journey to Europe. After more than 12 hours of flying, the European sky appeared outside the airplane window. The feeling at that moment is hard to describe, as from now on, we are truly far away from home and independent in a place 8000 km away from Vietnam. Around 7 AM local time (GMT+2), we landed at Munich Airport, officially commencing a six-month-long journey in a completely unfamiliar country.

We landed at Munich Airport, officially starting our six-month-long journey in a completely unfamiliar country 

Germany welcomed us with the crisp and chilly late autumn sunshine. From Munich, we traveled to Regensburg by train, following the detailed directions from the International Office to complete paperwork and settle into the dormitory. We felt reassured because our teachers and UEB had been accompanying and supporting us every step of the way in preparation for and during this journey.

Regensburg University - our first stop in the journey of international student exchange program

We officially set foot at the University of Regensburg, where we will attend two classes, including lectures and lab of the course "Monetary Theory and Policy". This is one of the top universities in Germany, offering over 150 different study programs across fields such as natural sciences, social sciences, economics, law, medicine, and arts.

The campus of Regensburg University (UR) is very spacious, with modern infrastructure and a wide range of facilities to support the teaching and research activities of both students and faculty members

 Regensburg in the season of changing leaves adorns itself with a delicate and gentle beauty

Chapter 2: Germany and Our "First-time" Experiences

Upon arriving at the university for the first time, we received enthusiastic support from both professors and the University of Regensburg. We also participated in an Orientation Course to familiarize ourselves with some state regulations, city rules, and university guidelines. Additionally, we received survival tips for Germany and suggestions for must-visit places in this beautiful city.

Germany and our "first-time experiences"  

The joyful conversations, new friends, and community bonding activities brought us a sense of closeness and familiarity, very similar to the dynamic learning environment at UEB. The classroom atmosphere is always lively with discussions between students and lecturers. The teachers also always instill enthusiasm and passion in each lecture, making the theoretical concepts in the books come to life and applying them to case studies for students to understand and grasp the specialized knowledge.


And for the first time, we had a presentation to conclude the Corporate Communication course in front of international friends. Although we were a bit hesitant, after being encouraged and motivated, we gradually gained more confidence, delivered a good presentation, and received positive feedback from the teachers and friends.

During our first class, we were warmly welcomed and gradually began to absorb the distinctive culture in Germany

Similar to the practical internship method at UEB, our class had a short visit to IKEA Regensburg. It was a large complex, ranging from furniture showrooms to the canteen and storage area. This was our first company tour in Germany, which helped students grasp the operations of the business, solve real operational problems faced by companies, and propose practical solutions. This learning method is similar to the approach that our teachers are currently implementing at UEB. Therefore, we can easily adapt and absorb knowledge more easily and quickly.


Chapter 3: Leaving footprints and exploring the enchanting corners of Europe

Leaving footprints exploring every charming corner of Europe

In addition to direct classroom lessons, we also had the opportunity to participate in a trip to Prague, Czech Republic, organized by the International Student Association of the university. This is an annual activity of the Student Association aimed at expanding the connection among the student community. The trip truly served as a bond between Vietnamese students and international friends. We no longer felt any distance as we together explored the ancient architectural structures, experienced the culture, and tasted the distinctive cuisine of the city known as the Heart of Europe.

Prague has so many landmarks that every time we pass by them, we are in awe of their beauty, fairytale charm, and unique architecture
The city impresses with its many elegant architectural structures, bearing a strong historical imprint from the Roman Empire era 

We were lucky to discover and admire the beauty of Prague during Christmas time. During these days, the streets, ancient alleys, and large squares were adorned with sparkling lights. Hundreds of wooden stalls were attractively decorated with a variety of products, ranging from traditional local food to unique wines and special Christmas gifts for locals and tourists alike.

We are fortunate to explore and admire the beauty of Prague during the Christmas season
At the end of the journey, here is a picture of the whole group before returning to Regensburg. From this trip, we also made new friends from Hungary, Germany, the United Kingdom, and India

Upon returning from the trip to Prague, we, the international students from various parts of the world, had the opportunity to celebrate Christmas in Germany and experience the unique German culture during the most special festival of the year. We learned more about cultural stories through the sharing of our teachers, cooked traditional dishes on the holiday, and visited bustling traditional markets during the festive season. For us, these are values and special experiences that cannot be forgotten while studying and living in Germany.

Experiencing New Year's Eve away from home for the first time, we were very excited to admire and ignite fireworks with our own hands. The atmosphere on New Year's Eve was vibrant, with people gathering together, enjoying beer, sparkling wine, singing, and wishing each other the best.

This is the first time we celebrated a traditional holiday far from home. Although simple, we made an effort together to have a traditional "bánh chưng" (sticky rice cake) and prepare some other festive dishes

Throughout the six months of studying in Germany, we also had the opportunity to explore and learn about ancient castles, embodying the solemn beauty of time, culture, and history. By listening to the historical stories behind each castle, we gained a deeper understanding of the cultural value that we had previously only read, heard, or seen through books, newspapers, and materials. We truly cherished every experience we gained during the trip.

Not only did we set foot in new cities, but we also spent more time exploring Germany - our first stop in beautiful Europe

 We got to admire the stunning, pure white beauty of Germany on a snowy day

Chapter 4: Returning to Vietnam, we encapsulate all emotions and unforgettable memories of beautiful Germany
 Regensburg bid us farewell with a beautiful sunset, marking the end of a six-month journey of exploration and unforgettable experiences during our youth with UEB

Finally, the plane took off, officially concluding the six-month journey of struggles, lessons, and personal growth. We are grateful to Germany for embracing students from all around the world, regardless of gender, race, or religion. We thank our teachers and the University of Economics - VNU for providing us with an opportunity that is not easily obtained, to live, study, and experience life in a modern and civilized country. We appreciate the companionship of friends from Vietnam and various corners of this vast world, who have given us moments of friendship and cultural diversity from five continents. We thank Regensburg for providing us with a memorable time and cherished memories, always ready to embrace us even when we felt the smallest and most doubtful about ourselves.


Lastly, we thank ourselves for always striving, learning to adapt, and renewing ourselves every day. If I were to offer advice to future batches, I would encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and courageously sign up for the international student exchange programs organized by the University of Economics - VNU. Who knows, you might secure a ticket to explore the world and change your perspective on life.

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