A Golden Opportunity: Jardine Cycle & Carriage funds scholarships for VNU freshmen

Jardine Cycle & Carriage Limited (“JC&C”) will grant scholarships for freshmen of three VNU member Universities (VNU UEB, VNU UET and VNU SoL) from academic years 2019/20 to 2024/25.

The gift hopes to motivate recipients of the scholarship to excel academically and in turn, become future talents of Vietnam and contribute to the society’s development. After discussions and understanding of VNU’s holistic University environment, JC&C was pleased to sign the agreement with VNU UEB which will represent the two remaining VNU member universities to co-ordinate this scholarship in this academic year (2019/20).

A total of 12 scholarships will be given out (two scholarships each year) for outstanding students in the Honors program; each Scholarship will fully subsidy the tuition fees of each recipient.

After being chosen for the scholarship, each recipient must maintain a GPA of 3.2 out of 4.0 and exhibit good conduct, following the requirements of the University and the donor.

The Jardine Cycle & Carriage scholarship is extremely meaningful. It can especially help students from financially needy backgrounds and encourage young entrepreneurs implementing start-up projects to pursue their dreams.

Jardine Cycle & Carriage (“JC&C” or “the Group”) is a leading Singapore-listed company with a strong presence in Southeast Asia through its strategic interests in market leading companies across the region.


The Group has a majority interest in Astra, a diversified group in Indonesia, which is also the largest independent automotive group in Southeast Asia. Beyond Astra, JC&C also has an established presence in the automotive industry through its Direct Motor Interests operating in Singapore, Malaysia and Myanmar under the Cycle & Carriage brand, as well as through Tunas Ridean in Indonesia and Truong Hai Auto Corporation in Vietnam. The diversified businesses of the Group include Other Strategic Interests in Siam City Cement, Refrigeration Electrical Engineering Corporation and Vinamilk.

Together with its subsidiaries and associates, JC&C employs more than 250,000 people across Southeast Asia. JC&C is 75% owned by the Jardine Matheson Group.


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