1. Personal information:
Full name
Le Van Cuong
d’Economie de la Sorbonne (CES), Maison des Sciences Economiques 106-112
boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France
(33) (01) 44 07 82 91
(33) (01) 44 07 83 01
2. Education:
Ingénieur Civil des Mines (1969) ; Docteur 3è Cycle en Mathématiques (1978).
3. Employment/Experience:
- Convexity and Convex Programming (University of Paris 5)
- Optimal Growth Models in Economics (University of Paris 5, Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de L’Administration Economique, University of Paris 1)
- Macroeconomic Modelling ( University of Paris 2, Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de L’Administration Economique)
- Optimal Growth Models in Economics (University of Cagliari, Italy)
4. Research domain:
- Journal of Economic Theory,
- Econometric,
- International Economic Review,
- Journal of Mathematical Economics,
- Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,
- Review of Development Economics,
- Journal of Public Economics Theory,
- Revue Economique .
5. Publications:
Mathematical Economics.
- Topological Degree of a Family of Convex Functions and Localization of Nash Equilibrium Points, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1980.
- Topological Degree and Number of Nash Equilibrium Points of Bimatrix Games, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1982.
- Topological Degree and the Sperner Lemma, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1982.
- A Note on the Gale-Nikaido-Debreu Lemma and the Existence of General Equilibrium (with M. Florenzano), Economics Letters, 1986
- Production Prices and Equilibrium Prices : A Long Run Property of a Leontief Economy with an Unlimited Supply of Labour (with R.A. Dana, M. Florenzano, D. Levy), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1989.
- Asymptotic Properties of a Leontief Economy (with R.A. Dana, M. Florenzano, D. Levy), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 1989.
- Equilibria of a Stationary Economy with Recursive Preferences (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1991.
- Lagging and Unlagging Theorems : A Quasi-Equivalence, Computers, Mathematics with Applications, 1992.
- Convergence Of Equilibria in an Intertemporal General Equilibrium Model : A dynamical System Approach (with I. Hadji), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 1994.
- Subdifferentiability of the Value Function in Economic Problems (with J.M. Bonnisseau), SEA, Bull. Math, 9, N02, 1995.
- Asset Equilibria in Lp Spaces with Complete Markets : a Duality Approach (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1995.
- On the Subdifferential of the Value Function in Economic Optimization Problems (with J.M. Bonnisseau), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1996.
- Complete Characterization of Properness Conditions for Separable Concave Functions defined in Lp+ and Lp, Economic Theory, 1996
- General Equilibrium In Asset Markets with or without Short-Selling (with R.A. Dana, F. Magnien), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1997.
- On the Different Notions of Arbitrage and Existence of Equilibrium (with R.A. Dana, F. Magnien), Journal of Economic Theory, 87, 169-193, 1999.
- Arbitrage, Duality and Asset Equilibria (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 34, 396-413, 2000.
- Arbitrage and Equilibrium in Economies with Externalities (with F. Page and M. Wooders), Journal of Global Optimization , 20, 309-321, 2001.
- Asset Market Equilibrium in Lp Spaces with Separable Utilities (with D.H. Truong Xuan), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 36, 241-254, 2001.
- The Geometry of Arbitrage and the Existence of Competitive Equlibrium (with N. Allouch and F. Page), Journal of Mathematical Economics,38, 373-391, 2002.
- No-arbitrage condition and existence of equilibrium in asset markets with a continuum of agents (with F. Magnien), International Journal of Economic Theory, 1, 43-45, 2005.
- Arbitrage and Equilibrium in Unbounded Exchange Economies with Satiation, (with N. Allouch, and F. Page) Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2007.
- No-arbitrage Condition and Existence of Equilibrium with Dividends (with N.B. Minh), Journal of Mathematical Economics, , 43, 135-152, 2007
- Walras and dividends equilibrium with possibly satiated consumers (with N. Allouch), Journal of Mathematical Economics, sept 2008
- Risky Arbitrage, Asset Prices, and Externalities (with F.H. Page and . M. Wooders), Economic Theory, 2007.
- Overlapping sets of priors and the existence of efficient allocations and equilibria for risk measures (with R.A. Dana), Mathematical Finance, 20, 3, 327-339, 2010
- Overlapping risk adjusted sets of priors and the existence of efficient allocations and equilibria with short-selling” (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Economic Theory, 145, 6, 2186-2202, 2010
- Efficient allocations and Equilibria with short-selling and Incomplete Preferences (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 53, 101-105, 2014.
- Intertemporal equilibrium with financial asset and physical capital (with N-S Pham), Economic Theory, Vol.62, 155–199, 2016
- Arbitrage and asset market equilibrium in infinite dimensional economies with short-selling and risk-averse expected utilities (with Th. Ha-Huy and M-H Nguyen), Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol.79, 30-39, January 2016
- Interest rates parity and no arbitrage as equivalent equilibrium conditions in the international financial assets and goods markets (with S. Bosi and P. Fontaine), Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol.82, 26-36, July 2016
- How to determine exchange rates under risk neutrality: A note (with S. Bosi and P. Fontaine), Economics Letters, 2017
- Existence of equilibrium on asset markets with a countably infinite number of states (with Thai Ha-Huy), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 73, 44-53, 2017
- Intertemporal equilibrium with heterogeneous agents, endogenous dividends and collateral constraints (with S. Bosi and N-S Pham), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 76, 1-20, 2018
- Financial bubbles and capital accumulation in altruistic economies (with S. Bosi, T. Ha-Huy, C-T, Pham, N-S Pham), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 75, 125-139, 2018
- Arbitrage and equilibrium in economies with short-selling and ambiguity (With T. Ha-Huy, C. Tran-Viet), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 76, 95-100, 2018.
- A General Equilibrium Model In Which Consumption Takes Time (with T-D-H Nguyen, N-S Pham, B. Tran-Nam), in Recent Developments in Normative Trade Theory and Welfare Economics, B. Tran-Nam, Ed., Springer, 2018.
- On Endogenous Formation of Price Expectations (with Y. Vailakis), Games and Economic Behaviour, 115, pp. 436-458, 2019.
- Demand and equilibrium with inferior and Giffen behaviors (with N-S Pham), Mathematical Social Sciences, 103, 45-50, 2020. Optimal Growth in Economics
- On the Structure of Pareto-Optima in an Infinite Horizon Economy where Agents have Recursive Preferences (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1990.
- On the Bellman Equation of the Overtaking Criterion (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1990.
- Optimal Growth and Pareto-Optimality (with R.A. Dana), ), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 20, 1991.
- On the Bellman Equation of the Overtaking Criterion : an Addendum (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1991.
- Differentiability of the Value Function of Nonclassical Optimal Growth Models (with K. Askri), Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1998.
- A Model of Optimal Growth Strategy (with Ph. Askenazy), Journal of Economic Theory, 85, 24-51,1999.
- Optimal Growth, Debt, Corruption and R&D (with Ch-H. Dimaria), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 6, 597-613, 2002.
- The discrete time version of the Romer model (with L. Morhaim, Ch-H. Dimaria), Economic Theory, 20, 133-158, 2002.
- Optimal growth models with bounded or unbounded returns : a unifying approach (with L. Morhaim), Journal of Economic Theory, 105, 158-187, 2002.
- A simple proof of existence of equilibrium in a one sector growth model with bounded or unbounded returns from below (with J. Duran), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 7, 317-332, 2003.
- Existence of a competitive equilibrium in one sector growth model with heterogenous agents and irreversible investment (with Y. Vailakis), Economic Theory, 22, 743-771, 2003.
- Quality of Knowledge Technology, Returns to Production Technology and Economic Development (with C. Saglam), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 8, 147-161, 2004.
- Optimal Growth Models and the Lagrange Multiplier (with H.C. Saglam), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 40, 393-410, 2004.
- Equilibrium and Competitive Equilibrium in a discrete Time Lucas Model (with P. Gourdel, L. Hoang-Ngoc, T. Mazamba), Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol.10, N° 5, 501-514, 2004.
- Etudes d’économie publique: Introduction (with B. Cornet, H. Kempf, M. Wooders), Annales d'Economie et de Statistiques, 75/76, 1-7, 2004.
- Health Cares and Economic Growth (with P. Gourdel, L. Hoang-Ngoc, T. Mazamba), Annales d'Economie et de Statistiques, 75/76, 2004.
- Recursive Utility and Optimal Growth with Bounded or Unbounded Returns (with Y. Vailakis), Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 123, 185-209, 2005.
- On the existence of a competitive equilibrium in the Lucas (1988) model (with H. D'Albis), Journal of Mathematical Economics, vol.42, 46-55, 2006.
- Optimal Growth without Discounting (with R-A Dana), in Handbook on Optimal Growth, Volume 1: Discrete Time, R-A. Dana, C. Le Van, T. Mitra, K. Nishimura eds, Springer, 2006.
- Optimal Growth Models with Discounted Returns, in Handbook on Optimal Growth, Volume 1: Discrete Time, R-A. Dana, C. Le Van, T. Mitra, K. Nishimura eds, Springer, 2006.
- On Optimal Growth Models when the Discount Factor is near 1 or equal to 1 (with L. Morhaim), International Journal of Economic Theory, 2006.
- Optimal Control in Infinite Horizon Problems: a Sobolev Spaces Approach (with R. Boucekkine and C. Saglam), Economic Theory, vol.32, 497-509, 2007.
- Parametric Continuity of stationary distributions (avec J. Stachurski), Economic Theory, vol. 33, 333-348, 2007.
- Equilibrium dynamics in an aggregative model of capital accumulation with heterogeneous agents and elastic labor, (with M.H. Nguyen and Y. Vailakis) Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2007.
- Instability and fluctuations in intertemporal equilibrium models: Presentation (with Tapan Mitra, Kazuo Nishimura and Alain Venditti), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 43 (2007), 231-235.
- Existence of Solutions in Continuous-time Optimal Growth Models (with H. d’Albis and P. Gourdel), Economic Theory, 37, 2, nov 2008
- Non-convex Aggregate Technology and Optimal Economic Growth (with N.M.Hung and Ph. Michel), Economic Theory, 40, 3, Sept 2009
- When does a developing country use new technologies? (with O. Bruno et B. Masquin), Economic Theory, 40, 2, Aug 2009
- New Technology, Human Capital, and Growth in a Developing Country (with T-A. Nguyen, M-H Nguyen, T-B Luong), Mathematical Population Studies, 17, 4, 215-241, 2010
- With Exhaustible Resources Can a Developing Country Escape From The Poverty Trap? (with K. Schubert and T-A. Nguyen), Journal of Economic Theory, 145, 6, 2435-2447, 2010
- Optimal timing of regime switching in optimal growth models: A Sobolev space approach with E. Dogan and C. Saglam), Mathematical Social Sciences, 61, 2, 97-103, 2011
- Existence, Optimality and Dynamics of Equilibria with Endogenous Time Preference (with S. Erol and C. Saglam), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 47, 2, 170-179, 2011.
- Existence of competitive equilibrium in an optimal growth model with heterogeneous agents and endogenous leisure (with A. Goenka and M.H Nguyen) , Macroeconomic Dynamics, 16 (S1), 33-51, 2012
- A Never-decisive and Anonymous Criterion for Optimal Growth Models (with A. Ayong Le Kama, T. Ha-Huy and K. Schubert), Economic Theory, 55, 2, 2014.
- On existence and bubbles of Ramsey equilibrium with borrowing constraints (with R. Becker, S. Bosi and Th. Seegmuller), Economic Theory, 58, 2, February 2015
- Optimal Growth Strategy Under Dynamic Threshold (with C. Saglam and A. Turan), Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 18, 979-991, 2016