Trang tin tức sự kiện

Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Phung Van Dung

Official dissertation title: “Agricultural development in Vietnam after joining WTO”

1. Name of PhD student: Phung Van Dung

2. Sex: male
3. Date of birth: December 16th 1962
4. Place of birth: Ngoc Liep, Quoc Oai, Hanoi

5. Admission Decision number: 1250/QD-DHKT dated 19/7/2011 by VNU University of Economics and Business

6. Changes in academic process: Decision number 1351/QD-DHKT dated 9/7/2012 referring to changing the title of the dissertation (first name: “The relationship between agriculture, the farmer, and rural development in Vietnam in the period after joining WTO”; The adjusted name: “Agricultural development in Vietnam after joining WTO”)

7. Official dissertation title: “Agricultural development in Vietnam after joining WTO”

8. Major: Political Economy

9. Code:

10. Supervisors:
-  Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Dinh Long
- PhD. Nguyen Manh Hung

11. Summary of the new findings of the dissertation:

 - Highlighting the major contents in agricultural development in Vietnam in integrating into international economic development, especially during the period after WTO joining.

 - Working out a set of criteria employable for assessing the level of agricultural development in Vietnam in accordance with the agricultural development contents.

 - Employing the set of assessment criteria for the reality of agricultural development in Vietnam after joining WTO.

 - Proposing possible solutions for agricultural development in Vietnam from now up to 2025.

12. Practical applicability: The above-mentioned set of criteria is employable for assessing and analyzing agricultural development process. At the same time, the results of the thesis can be employed as a theoretical basis for formulating policies and strategies in agricultural development in Vietnam in the time to come.

13. Further research directions: Future research can be oriented towards possible relations and motives in developing an effective, sustainable agriculture.

14. Dissertation - related publications:

[1] Phung Van Dung (2011). Farming land policies in China - Useful hints for Vietnam.Chinese Studies magazine, No 3(115), March 2011.

[2] Phung Van Dung (2013).Poverty elimination - wellbeing - prosperity: The way for famers in integration. Rural Development magazine, No 351, 2nd edition, September 2013.

[3] Phung Van Dung (2013).Agriculture, rural development and the nodes in obtaining FDI.State Taxation magazine, No 42(4520, November 2013.

[4] Phung Van Dung (2013). Household economy in agricultural development and solutions for the time to come.Economic Studies magazine, No 11(426), November 2013.



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