Trang tin tức sự kiện

Research Fellow in Applied Economics

Since its establishment in 1964, La Trobe University has become an internationally recognised leader in tertiary education and training, with strong research and teaching programs and student exchange networks across more than 40 countries.

Two Full-time, Fixed-term (3 Years) (Level B) positions in the School of Economics and Finance.  
Since its establishment in 1964, La Trobe University has become an internationally recognised leader in tertiary education and training, with strong research and teaching programs and student exchange networks across more than 40 countries.  We are committed to providing undergraduate and postgraduate teaching of the highest quality, supported by an outstanding research profile.

The primary duties of the person appointed to this position will be to conduct research and publish the results of that research in high quality academic journals and books. You will also contribute and support postgraduate research training and undertake other duties as requested by the Head of School. Demonstrated excellent communication skills and a PhD or near completion of a PhD in Economics, Finance, or related field is essential to be considered for this role.

Working at La Trobe University provides employees with numerous benefits and rewards including:
- Up to 17% Employer Superannuation 
- 2010 EOWA Employer of Choice for Women 
- Family Friendly workplace policies 
- Multiple Salary Sacrificing options 
- Significant Career Development & Training Opportunities 
- Consultative & Development-centric Organisational culture 
- Access to on-campus facilities; and many more
Applicants should include with their applications the names and contact details of three referees from whom reports may be sought. It would be appreciated if email addresses for the referees could be included.
  Campus: Melbourne
Position Level: Level B
Remuneration: $73,444 - $87,212 p.a (plus 17% superannuation).
Position Reference no: 50019927 (& 50025013)
Closing date:  Friday, 22 October 2010.
Position Enquiries: Professor Jae (Paul) Kim, +61 (03) 9479 1314

See the attached Position Description below:

Position is open to local and international applicants.
Click here to apply online.

La Trobe University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
For further enquiries, please contact People and Culture reception on +61 (03) 9479 1365.


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