Trang tin tức sự kiện

Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research


Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research (VEPR) is a menber of VNU University of Economic and Business which was established in 28th June 2014. The Institute originates from Vietnam Center for Economic and Policy Research under the VNU-UEB.

The Institute is associated with a network of national and international scientists, focusing on researching and analyzing policies with modern and highly quantitative methods. Based on research results and expert network, VEPR provides the government agencies, international organizations, enterprises and media with high-quality consulting and training services.




Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Anh Thu

Tel: (84-24) 37547506 ext.610


Vice Director:
PhD. Nguyen Quoc Viet
Tel: (84-24) 37547506 ext.309



1. Functions:

  • Conducting fundamental and applied research, applying research results for training activities and scientific research of the UEB.
  • Carrying out, applying, consulting scientific research and undertaking domestic and international cooperation in the fields of economics and policy.
  • Compiling documents, scientific information related to economics for training and consulting activities.
  • Organizing postgraduate training, international joint training and short-term training as assigned by the UEB.

2. Responsibilities:

2.1 Carry out economic and policy research:

  • Organizing and implementing programs, projects on economics, analyzing policy, evaluating the policy effectiveness, development strategies and relevant fields.
  • Consulting on economics and relevant fields in order to enhance the capacity of organizations and business communities.
  • Actively exploiting and implementing applied research projects; sharing experiences and project results of economic consultancy projects, policy research and relevant fields for organizations and individuals.
  • Managing and implementing national and international consultancy projects as assigned by the UEB’s Rector.
  • Developing international research projects, finding out human resources to implement or jointly implement the international research projects.
  • Participating in bidding research projects at state/ministerial/VNU levels, strategic research programs of VNU.
  • Proposing and making bids for research projects with local authorities or ministries.

2.2 Implement training activities:

  • Participating in postgraduate training activities as assigned by the VNU-UEB.
  • Organizing and coordinating with other units inside and outside the University in designing, developing and implementing all forms of joint training, inter-university transfer training of postgraduate education in connection with domestic and international offices, organizations and businesses as assigned by the UEB
  • Chairing, organizing and implementing short-term training courses on economics and policy analysis for organizations, agencies and individuals if necessity.
  • Implementing programs which support youth talents, providing scholarships and soft-skill training courses for developing young scientist community in economic and policy research.
  • Organizing seminars for academic exchange and major courses for young researchers inside and outside the VNU.
  • Translating and publishing research publications of policy research or economic monographs.
  • Receiving and creating favorable conditions for foreign lecturers and researchers who work and teach for VEPR and UEB.

2.3 Implement tasks assigned by the VNU University of Economics and Business:

  • Developing and submitting to UEB Rector for approval and implementation of strategies and plans of VEPR in coordination with the common development orientation of UEB.
  • Developing and submitting to UEB Rector for approval and implementation of annual financial plans.
  • Implementing and coordinating with relevant units of UEB to finish assigned tasks as well as UEB's tasks.
  • Participating in Councils and Help Board of Admission Councils for undergraduate and graduate programs as assigned by UEB Rector.
  • Receiving and managing graduates and fellows who enroll in the Institutes based on the regulations of UEB Rector.
  • Coordinating with other units of VNU-UEB in training relevant majors regulated by UEB
  • Organizing revenue and expenditure activities according to the current principles of financial management scheme to autonomous units; implementing financial report to the UEB as regulated.
  • Managing and employing effectively human resources and assigned assets.
  • Conducting other tasks as assigned by the UEB’s Rector.


The primary mission of VEPR is carrying out economic and policy research to improve the quality of decision-making process of policy-making institutions, enterprises and interest groups by providing insights of the social, political and economic factors that drive economic affairs and macroeconomic policy of Vietnam.



Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research, VNU University of Economics and Business

Building E4, 144 Xuan Thuy Str., Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam

Phone: (84-24) 37547506 + Ext. 704, 714




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