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UEB works closely with parents to provide maximum support for students' comprehensive development

That is the goal of the University of Economics and Business - VNU, and it is being strongly implemented by various faculties and departments throughout the university.

Recognizing the importance and the synergistic strength of the parent community in providing students with opportunities for employment, real-world experience, and soft skills development, the University has initiated the expansion of the UEB Family network. This network is organized into Parent Liaison Committees at both the faculty and university levels. It serves as a feedback channel, collecting valuable input from parents to further enhance the learning environment and foster continual improvement.

On September 10, 2023, the Faculty of Finance and Banking at the University of Economics and Business held the first Parents' Meeting for students in 2023.

Overview of the conference

At the conference, PGS.TS. Nguyen Truc Le, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of UEB, shared the university's educational philosophy and expressed the hope of strengthening the connection between parents and the university to provide the best support to the students.

PGS.TS. Le Trung Thanh, the Rector, also expressed the hope of continuing to receive the support of parents for upcoming university activities in order to create the best learning environment for the students.

Many participating parents noted the warm and sincere atmosphere and felt the genuine care of the faculty and staff. They also understood the university's desire to collaborate fully and mobilize diverse resources to maximize opportunities for their children to develop themselves quickly and effectively.

At the conference, parents shared their thoughts, aspirations, and offered valuable input. The meeting served to build a more effective network within the UEB Family.

The Parent Liaison Committee for the Faculty of Finance and Banking took group photos with university leadership.

If you, as parents, need more information about UEB Family or have any suggestions, please send an email to:

Here are some images from the Parents' Meeting at the Faculty of Finance and Banking:

Dr. Le Hong Thai - Deputy Head of Public Finance Department shares about the Learning Path and development opportunities for students of the Faculty of Finance and Banking

Dr. Trinh Thi Phan Lan shared about the purpose and principles of establishing the Parent Liaison Committee of the Faculty of Finance and Banking. Accordingly, the Faculty Parent Liaison Committee is a channel to answer questions and concerns of parents and coordinate with the Faculty and School to support students.

A large number of lecturers from the Faculty of Finance and Banking attended the conference
During the Conference, student Pham Xuan Thanh Hieu, Head of the PFC Personal Finance Club, shared about the outstanding achievements of the PFC Club along with the benefits when students join the club.

Student Nguyen Thi Mai Suong, Head of the FIC -UEB Gen 3 Financial Investment Club, shares about the outstanding achievements of the FIC Club along with the benefits students get when joining the club.

The parent liaison committee of the Faculty of Finance and Banking took souvenir photos with the school's leaders and lecturers

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