Within the Linnaeus-Palme International Exchange Programme, from 15 May to 6 June 2013, two faculty members of the VNU University of Economics and Business Dr. Nham Phong Tuan and Dr. Dao Thi Bich Thuy have visited and delivered lecturers at the Uppsala University (Sweden).
During three weeks at Uppsala, the two UEB faculties delivered lectures and had academic discussions at the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University, visited some business and institutes as well as participate in local cultural activities.
The two faculties had the opportunities to participate in teaching several undergraduate and postgraduate training programs at Uppsala University in Entrepreneurship, Investigating International Business, Cross-cultural management, Sustainable Development, etc.
Teaching methods at Uppsala University have drawn interest of the UEB’s faculty members. Every training course are public on the website, which is an effective information channel for lecturers and studenst to exchange. Users could find all information needed for the course including the course curriculum, materials, announcements, reference, essay topics and guidelines, etc. Even some researches by the lecturers relating to the course content are shared here. Some other teaching methods such as experts consulting, group discussion brought to the UEB’s faculties precious experience.

A class at Uppsala Universtiy
Besides teaching activities, the faculties of VNU University of Economics and Business also participated in some research activities at the Uppsala University such as attending seminars on marketing research, international business or doctoral dissertation defence. At the Uppsala University, the scientific seminars are organized every week, thereby encouraging the faculties in research and help lecturers share and exchang experiences with students.
In three weeks of teaching and researching at Uppsala University, the UEB’s faculties have gained valuable experience. Hopefully, such exchange programme would help to strengthen research capacity of faculties and students of both universities.