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10 outstanding events of the UEB in 2013

The VNU University of Economics and Business (UEB) has selected its 10 oustanding events in 2013. The UEB website Editorial Board would like to introduce to you the 10 events as follows:

1. Staff and students of the UEB receive honor awards:

In 2013 the UEB's staff, faculty and students had the honor to receive many noble awards: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son commended as typical teacher for the period 2008-2013; two of publications of the VNU University of Economics and Business by Dr. Vu Anh Dung also received the Silver Award at the Vietnam Books Awars Ceremony; the UEB students won the first prize of Vietnam Young Science Talent and co-first prize of VNU's outstanding students' research 2013.

Chairman of Vietnam Fatherland front (left) congrates Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son at the typical teachers award ceremony for the period 2008-2013

2. UEB's staff are recognized and enhanced their capacity:

Two UEB's female faculties have been conferred the Associate Professor title in 2013; Three UEB staffs was promoted to senior officers; 10 lecturers of the university have finished the training course on English teaching methods TKT oriented (Teaching Knowledge Test) and certificated by Cambridge ESOL... This confirms the concern of UEB leaders in the development and encourage their faculty to become competent faculty, having English qualification at international level.


Nguyen Thi Kim Anh (middle) at the conferring ceremony of Professor and Assoc.Professor title

3. Strengthening management mechanism of the VNU University of Economics and Business:

In 2013, the management mechanism of the university has changed: some managers are responsible for new positions, some other officials have finished their term. By the end of December 2013, the university's management mechanism has been strengthened at the posts of Vice Rector, Head/Deputy Head of some offices and departments... The apparatus consolidation with young and dynamic officers would facilitate the implementation of the UEB's new breakthough activities.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phung Xuan Nha - VNU President confers the Decision which appointed Dr. Nguyen Truc Le as the UEB Vice Rector

4. Consolidating the UEB's organizational structure:

Within the organizational arrangement and development project of VNU and due to the development of the UEB, the university has completed its organizational structure by receiving a number of staffs from VNU's Training Center for Teachers of Political Theory. The university also established the Center for Economic and Management Information and the Legal Division under Office of Human Resources; dissolved one center, built a precondition for the UEB Development Fund and Applied Finance Center... In 2013, the university has conducted the review, amendment, addition, replacement, repeal or promulgation of documents in order to improve the UEB's management document system, contributing to improve the management quality and other activities  of the university.


5. Won five state-level research projects and another major project:

In 2013, the UEB won in bidding five state-level research projects and one international project funded by UNDP, namely: (1) Valuing effects of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture in the North of Vietnam and proposing solutions to minimize the damage caused by climate change, (2) Restructuring Vietnam's trade banking system in the integration period, (3) Leadership and management sciences and the application in Vietnam at present, (4) Scientific argument of improving the financial investment in higher education of Vietnam in the period 2016-2020 and vision to 2030; (5) Reviewing and assessing the accuracy and effectiveness of national target programs implemented in the Northwest, phase 2001 - 2015 and the project: Building the research capacity in policy, education and training to promote green development. This has demonstrated the research capacity of the UEB staff and faculty as well as the increasing prestige in scientific research of the university, which has been recognized by local and international organizations.

Launching workshop of the state-level research project of Valuing effects of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture in the North of Vietnam

6. Signing contracts with and consulting for enterprises:

December 2013 marked the first time the UEB signed contract for consulting service and has successfully consulted for Vietnam Air Petrol Company Ltd. (VINAPCO) on manufacturing and marketing plan. The  company's revenue is $1.4 billion/year. Consultancy contract was completed within one month. The activity is an important step in the implementation of the university's mission of research and transfer of research results to the government, organizations, businesses and society, in addition to providing high qualified human resources in the fields of economics, management and business administration.


7. Continuing the successful organizing of major scientific events:

The university was successful in organizing major events which had dramatic effect among professional community as well as the public such as: Launching ceremony of Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2013 and other international workshops, namely "Participating in the ASEAN Economic Community: International experience and implications for Vietnam" , "Empowering women - Opportunities and challenges in starting a business", "Investment environment towards sustainable development for Vietnam" , "Improving the quality of goods and services in Vietnam"... These are precious opportunities for the UEB staff to discuss and exchange research results with local and international experts, as well as is a good opportunity to promote the university's image in society.

At the conference Participating in the ASEAN Economic Community: International experience and implications for Vietnam

8. Website of the UEB was recognized as the best impact indicators and having largest scale of VNU:

July 2013, website of the UEB was recognized as the one having best impact Indicators and largest scale among VNU's units. This was thanks to efforts of the university in building and completing the website system, majorly meeting the information needs and contributing to management, training, research activities, as well as promoting image of the university.


Website of the UEB at:

9. Successfully applying the 3P payment project:

2013 was the first year the university used the 3P income payment (Position - Person - Performance) for its staff, faculty according to the government policy. This was a progress of the university in the last school year, clearly reflected the views of employee appreciation of the UEB leader, which encouraged intelligence, performance capacity and remuneration commensurate with the staff's contribution, offerring a fair opportunity for everyone. The payment project ensured the accurate payment due to occupation, capacity and contribution to the UEB, solving the payment issue which relied on seniority and salary grades. This was one of the innovative solutions in terms of university autonomy at the UEB, making the university a pioneer in this field among VNU members and in accordance with the provisions of the Government, Ministry of Education and Training.

10. Successfully organizing singing contest of UEB teachers and students:

On 15 Novemver 2013, the UEB has successfully organized a singing contest of teachers and students towards the 20th anniversary of the government's Decree on VNU (10 December 1993 - 10 December 2013) and to celebrate Vietnam teachers' day. This was the first time a cultural - artistic activity held on the occasion of November 20 with the participation of mostly UEB staff, faculty and students. The contest took place in a joyful and exciting atmosphere, leaving a good impression in the teachers' day.

The UEB teachers and students at the singing contest 2013

VNU University of Economics and Business


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