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UEB celebrated 40th traditional anniversary (1974 - 2014)

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - UEB Rector gave flowers to former teachers and leaders
On 16th November 2014, VNU University of Economics and Business has solemnly celebrated its 40thtraditional anniversary (11/1974 - 11/2014) and towards Vietnamese Teacher's Day.

The meeting celebration is an important milestone which is to recall the previous 40-year path and towards the path ahead with long-term plans, continuously to promote UEB to become a research-oriented university to meet international standards.

Attending the ceremony was Prof.Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thang, Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Chairman of Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phung Xuan Nha, Alternate member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Member commissioner of Hanoi Party Committee, Party Secretary, President of VNU; Prof.Dr. Nguyen Huu Duc, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, Vice President of VNU; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Vu Van Phuc, Editor in Chief of Communist Review; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Bo Linh, Deputy Chairman of the Commission of Science, Technology and Environment of the National Assembly and leaders of VNU's Departments; Representatives of institutes, universities, enterprises and UEB’s partners; UEB’s staff and former staff, students, graduates of local and international joint training programs and alumni also participated in the ceremony.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - UEB Rector in his opening speech at the ceremony

In the opening speech of the ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son, UEB Rector of has reviewed the history of establishment and development as well as achievements of UEB in the past 40 years. He expressed his desire that the UEB will continue to promote the gained achievements and gradually to become the destination of knowledge, destination of policy makers, business leaders of Vietnam in consulting issues related to economic, management and business administration,...

40 years ago, UEB was formerly known as the Faculty of Political Economics under the University of Hanoi (1974 - 1995), the UEB has overcome challenging periods with different names: Faculty of Economics of the VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities (1995 - 1999); Faculty of Economics directly under Vietnam National University, Hanoi (1999 - 2007); and VNU University of Economics and Business (2007 to present). At each stage, the university achieved notable results, pride marks which contributed to UEB’s glorious tradition and confirmed the constant effort of the university.

Many distinguished guests, UEB staff, former staff, students and alumni at the ceremony

During its 40-year development process, including 7 years performed as the university directly under Vietnam National University, Hanoi, the UEB has been known as a young and dynamic university with a strategic vision and appropriate development orientation towards quality and effectiveness. The university has constantly developed and contributed to the training and education, socio-economic development of the country and reinvigorated glorious tradition of the university.

As the Vietnamese Teachers’ Day 20thNovember is coming, on behalf of UEB's Board of Management, the UEB Rector has expressed his congratulations to generations of staff and teachers of the university. He hoped to receive their further participation and support in all training and research activities, active contribution to the development of the UEB in particular and the national education and training in general.

At the meeting, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son read the congratulation letter written by Prof. Tran Phuong, Former first Dean of Faculty of Political Economics under the University of Hanoi (1974 - 1979) on the occasion of UEB's 40thtraditional anniversary and towards Vietnamese Teacher's Day. In his letter, Prof. Tran Phuong emphasized that "On the occasion of UEB's 40thtraditional anniversary, from the bottom of my heart, I would like to send my sincere congratulations to generations of staff, students and graduates of the university. Though I have no longer worked for the Faculty of Political Economics, I always follow the Faculty development since it was under the University of Hanoi and has now become the UEB with new vision and strong determination. I am really happy to see the strong and fast development of UEB"

VNU-UEB's former teachers and alumni shared their feelings and memories about their beloved university

In the solemn and warm atmosphere of the meeting, participants had opportunities to interact with representatives of former teachers and alumni of the university. This is a good chance for participants to proudly review the development paths with colleagues, teachers, friends as well as deep impressions during the time at university. At the same time, they shared their experiences in applying knowledge gained from the university into the life and career and gave some useful advices to current students, graduates and post-graduates of the university.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Duy Dung delivered his speech at the ceremony

At the meeting, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Duy Dung, Director of Institute for Southeast Asian Studies of Vietnam Academy of Social Science, on behalf of all UEB's alumni, gave his speech and expressed his special feelings in UEB's 40th traditional anniversary. He said that "Though our dedicated teachers are old, many of them are weak and others passed away,... for us, they are forever the best examples of knowledge, personality and goodness to devote their enthusiasm to the training and development of a new major”.

On the occasion of 40th traditional anniversary of UEB, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Duy Dung, as an alumnus, a colleague and also father of UEB’s student, expressed his deep gratitude to all staff, teachers and students of the university.
The meeting of UEB's 40th traditional anniversary and towards Vietnamese Teacher's Day ended. This is the opportunity for generations of UEB’s teachers and students to meet, and for the university and its partners to look back the cooperation process, discuss and share their feelings, assessments and consultancy about the future development of the university. Accordingly, participants could reaffirm the UEB’s initial development direction, encourage and strengthen the solidarity and high determination not only of teachers and students, but also its partners and stakeholders in reaching the development goals set out: High quality training is associated with international standards, scientific research is associated with practices of enterprises, localities and policies.

Participants, visitors and generations of staff, teachers, students, graduates and alumni of UEB at the ceremony

>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese

Kha Nguyen


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