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UEB to welcome the new intake of graduate students

On June 18, VNU-UEB held the first graduate programs admission session to welcome the students for the academic year 2022 - 2023. The excitement and joy of being admitted to the new students has brought a positive energy and sign of success for a new semester at VNU-UEB.

The new Master and PhD students entering VNU-UEB this year have excellently surpassed many candidates taking part in the entrance exam to officially become a member of UEB.
In order to facilitate new student to carry out the admission procedure quickly, all relevant functional department of VNU-UEB had discussed and planned carefully the enrollment registration procedure and notified to all student before that.
The pre-prepared process has made the admission process quick and convenient
"VNU-UEB has a team of highly qualified staffs and lecturers who experience in management, teaching and scientific research along with modern facilities. I hope to gain more knowledge and experience at UEB.” Shared Mr. Vu Dang Khoa - New PhD student
Mr. Vu Dang Khoa - New PhD student in 2022
VNU-UEB is an excellent and prestigious institution for doctoral and other academic degrees. I am very honored to be accepted as a PhD student in Business Administration at UEB. In the future, I hope that I will complete my study plan as soon as possible and achieve the best results” shared Ms. Le Thi Thao - New PhD student in Business Administration
Ms. Le Thi Thao believes that UEB will be the place to help her expand knowledge in Business Administration
VNU-UEB always appreciates and welcomes new members. Wish the students will have a steady mind, enter the new school year in joy, study well and successfully conquer the peak of knowledge.
In 2022, VNU-UEB enroll 8 students for master's degree programs, including: Business Administration, Finance - Banking, Accounting, International Economics, Political Economy, and Management Economics, Public Policy and Development, Business Administration (international association with the University of St.Francis - USA).
At the same time, the institution also enrolls 5 doctoral training programs, including: Business Administration, Finance - Banking, International Economics, Political Economy and Economic Management.
>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.

UEB Media


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