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Reviewing top 10 events of the VNU-UEB in 2012

The year of 2013 is coming. To review what the university has made in the last year and to strive for new achievements, the VNU University of Economics and Business has selected its 10 outstanding events in 2012. The Editorial Board of the UEB website would like to introduce the readers as follows:

1. Successfully organizing the 5th anniversary celebration

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son speaks at the ceremony

On 16 November 2012, the VNU University of Economics and Business has successfully held the celebration of 5th anniversary and towards 40 years of tradition. Formerly known as Political Economics Department of the University of Hanoi (1974 - 1995), today’s University of Economics and Business has gone through a challenging transition and difficulties under different names: Department of Economics under the VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities (1995 - 1999); Faculty of Economics under Vietnam National University, Hanoi (1999 - 2007); and VNU University of Economics and Business (2007 to present). At each stage, the university had marked its proud tradition by the achievements, confirming the increasing internal strength.
The celebration was the opportunity for generations of UEB staff and students to review the past and look forwards the coming period, with the persistence for the development towards quality in training, scientific research and consultancy services.
2. Organizing major international conferences

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son reports the discussion summary of the Socio-economic Panel

In 2012, the UEB continued to host successful conferences such as: launching conference of Vietnam Annual Economy Report 2012 (dated 24 May 2012); international conference on Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Management ​​(dated 6 October 2012) and conference on Vietnam studies under the theme “Vietnam on the road to integration and sustainable development” (from 26 to 28 November 2012) with the chairmanship of the university at socio-economic panel). These events have had a pervasive impact on the society and continued to attract the attention of the government agencies, policy makers and business community that build up a research network among institutions in the country and contributing to improving the prestige of the university.
3. Number of research papers published in international journals sharply increased

UEB students present their research project

In 2012, UEB staff and faculty members have had 14 articles published in international journals. In addition, the project “Scientific argument for the development of the service sector in Vietnam until 2020" by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son and the UEB researchers was awarded the typical scientific works prize of VNU in 2011; A students group of Business Administration (QH-2009-E intake) won the second prize of students’ research at MOET level in 2012 with the project “Lean manufacturing in Vietnamese small and medium enterprises: reality and solution.” This once again confirms the research capacity of UEB staff and students and the recognition of VNU and the Ministry of Education and Training for the efforts of the whole university.
4. Opening the first intake of master’s training program in Technology Management and Corporation Development

At the opening ceremony of first intake of  master’s training program in Technology Management and Corporation Development

On 24 November 2012, the first intake of master’s training program in Technology Management and Corporation Development has opened. The program is expected to bring science and technology in socio-economic development through a rapid and sustainable development of enterprises, especially in the context of the knowledge economy, international integration as well as the global economic crisis. The event proved the position of a pioneer of the University of Economics and Business in training associated with the business and international integration.

5. The first intake of BBA international standard training program graduated

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh - UEB Vice Rector awards the degree to the fresh bachelors

On 7 July 2012, the entire of the first intake of BBA international standard training program (strategic mission program) received their bachelor degree, including two QH-2009-E students due to their ability. Enjoying the learning environment of international standard, the new bachelors were expected to be high qualified and professional, meeting the requirements of the socio-economic development of the country and international labor market. This event has once again confirmed the right direction in developing international standard training programs of VNU and also proven the mission to train and provide high-quality human resources to the society of the UEB.
6. Implementing many state level research projects

Also in 2012, the VNU-UEB has won a bidding to implement two state level research projects and two projects funded by the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED). This event continues to demonstrate research capacity of the UEB faculty and the increasing prestige of the university in research activities.

7. Meeting the national level accreditation standards for training institutions and being the unique university among VNU members to follow the AUN accreditation criteria

Along with strengthening modern university autonomy approaching the outcome-based quality, promoting the application of information technology in training and management activities, the UEB has improved its performance. The UEB has implemented the assessment under the accreditation standard of VNU and become the only VNU member to meet AUN standards for some training program. This proved that the university had gained several achievements in quality control activities as well as the innovation of university autonomy.
8. Effectively co-organizing short-term training courses with enterprises and some localities

Dr. Vu Anh Dzung - UEB Vice awards the certificate to the learners after  the training course on “Transferring the knowledge, technology and improving the human resources quality for the development of the Northwest area”

Following the success of the training program which provides human resources for the Party and State (according 165 Program), the university continued to receive the assignment to train CEO for enterprises in Hanoi; implement some pilot training programs of master’s and bachelor’s degree, providing officials as assigned by Hanoi’s Department of Planning and Investment; Implementing the training course on management and strategic planning skills in the context of international integration for Hoa Binh province within the framework of the project “Transferring the knowledge, technology and improving the human resources quality for the development of the Northwest area” and “Building entrepreneurial skills for female in SME in Vietnam” within cooperation with the University of Sydney; Organizing the training course on analyzing and forecasting energy prices for the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group.
9. Two first UEB lecturers appointed to the post of Senior lecturer; Two others received the academic title of Associate Professor

Dr. Hoang Dinh Phi (middle) receives the certificate of academic title for associate professor

In 2012, there were two first lecturers of the University of Economics and Business appointed to the post of senior lecturer by the Ministry of Home Affairs. In the same year, two other teachers of the university were conferred the title of Associate Professor. This was the evidence the recognized the efforts of the UEB faculty members in the completion of the individual capacity, contributing to the development of university staff.

10. First session of the Science and Training Council of the UEB, 2012-2016 term

Members of Science and Training Council
and other delegates at the session

On 14 August 2012, the session of UEB’s Science and Training Council, 2012-2016 term was held for the first time. At the session, in addition to the approval of the 2009-2012 summary report and the key task of the university in 2012-2013, the council also approved the proposal to open new training programs and build some general subjects as well as the objectives and strategies to improve the quality of education and research of the university.
With the participation of representatives who are scientists, business managers and policy makers, the first session of the council for period 2012-2016 has gained the target set and demonstrated the tight connection between university-business and research-training and practice.

VNU University of Economics and Business


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