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Global Changes and Sustainable Development in Asian Emerging Market Economies Vol.1

This two-volume set presents the conference papers from the 1st International Conference on Economics, Development and Sustainability (EDESUS 2019), organized by the University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

Editors: Nguyen, An Thinh, Hens, Luc (Eds.)

This two-volume set presents the conference papers from the 1st International Conference on Economics, Development and Sustainability (EDESUS 2019), organized by the University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. The collection addresses global changes and sustainable development in Vietnam and other emerging market economies in Asia, and covers wider topics such as economics and business (e.g. economic theory, national and international income distribution, macroeconomic policies, sectors of economy, productivity developments, financial market, business governance, bank financing), development and sustainability (e.g. developing process, development policy, public policy, sustainable growth, sustainability tools, sustainable livelihood, sustainable tourism, green growth), and resources and global change (e.g. human resources, natural resources, climate change, globalization, global challenges). The books are of interest to professors, researchers, lecturers, and students in economics and geography, consultants, and decision makers interested in global changes and sustainable development.

Volume 1 focuses on economic development in Vietnam and other emerging market economies in Asia. This covers topics such as economics and business (e.g. economic theory, national and international income distribution, macroeconomic policies, sectors of economy, productivity developments, financial market, business governance, bank financing) and development studies (e.g. developing process, development policy, public policy, green growth).


About editors-in-chief:

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen An Thinh is the Dean of the Faculty of Development Economics at University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. He also currently acts as the Vice-President of the International Association of Landscape Ecology in Vietnam region (VN-IALE). His research focuses include geography of Vietnam, human geography, environmental economics, and mountainous landscape ecology.

Prof. Em.Dr. Luc Hens is a Belgian human ecologist who has been performing and supporting research on sustainable development and climate change policy instruments in Vietnam for over 25 years. He worked at the ”Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek” (VITO) which is Belgian’s largest environmental research organization. Professor Hens has published over 130 papers in international peer reviewed journals. He has also published in local Belgian and Dutch scientific journals, and (co-)edited over 40 books with international distribution.




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