Trang tin tức sự kiện

Accounting Principles

The textbook titled “Accounting Principles” was published to serve university students’ research and study demand as well as for training programs.

Title: Accounting Principles

Author: Nguyen Thi Minh Tam

Publisher: VNU Publishing House

Published year: 2003

Published place: Ha Noi

Format: 14.5 x 20.5cm

Number of pages: 302

The textbook titled “Accounting Principles” was published to serve university students’ research and study demand as well as for training programs. Its contents deal with the basic issues of accounting such as accounting nature, accounting role, accounting principles; research objectives of accounting; accounting methods and main business accounting systems and activities . Those are topics related to methodology and scientific subject. Although these features are highly applicable, they often vary along with financial and economic management rules and regulations for each period.

If people do not understand accounting rules and regulations, they will have difficulties in applying accounting skills. Practical accounting skills are equally necessary as theoretical basis. They play an important role in making judgments for the best effective methods. Understanding accounting rules and regulations will contribute to improving creativeness in management mechanism in general and accounting mechanism in particular. At this level, accounting will actually become an important instrument in managing the economic policies of the Government as well as enterprises’, etc.

This book is available in the library of College of Economics - VNU.


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