Trang tin tức sự kiện

Project title: The model to set annual business plan by effectively objectives (Application to single manufacturers)

Code number: KT 10.07

Coordinator:  University of Economics and Business, VNU

Implementing Institution: Faculty of Business Administration 

Project manager: MBA Doan Dinh Nghiep

Duration: from 9/2010 to 6/2011

Objectives: This project is designed to introduce the Critical quantitative model (CQM) such as an useful instrument to set annual business plans. It’s allowed to improve ability of directors in planning in general and setting annual business plans in particular. 

Main contents:

The project includes 3 chapters: Chapter 1 is concerned with especial important role of annual business plan, and trends of responsibility to make it. CQM such as an instrument allowed to connect effective criteria with core economic and financial parameters of business in planned period. Chapter 2 introduced the cases of CQM applyed to decision-making process and setting the annual business plan with practical instructions on database of concrete-ware manufactory. CQM aids the managers to choose an alternative more flexible and be most adapted to changes of environment. It enables, therefore, to achieve the aspired objectives with use more effectively existing resources. The practical is also determined strong and weak points of CQM in its applications. Chapter 3 proposes some of solutions and petitions for enterprises and related organizations to intensify apply CQM in planning process and setting the annual business plan to keep a stability and stable development of Vietnam enterprises today.

Results obtained:

  • 1 science report; 1 article in Magazine of Economic and Business (UEB, VNU Hà nội)
  • Project can use as a reference material in subjects: Business Planning; Strategic Management; Project Management; Project Appraisal ...
  • Project can be applied to provide advisory services and training for CQM users in practical to set annual business plans on the spot.
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University of Economics and Business - VNU


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