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Acceptance of the State-level project about Green Finance

On June 18, 2020, the research team of the State- level project "Developing a green financial system to promote a green economy in Vietnam" presented the acceptance report at the university-level council.

Head of the project, Assoc.Prof.PhD. Tran Thi Thanh Tu - Dean of Faculty of Finance and Banking, VNU University of Economics and Business presented the report of research project. Accordingly, the project is part of the key national science and technology program, code KX.01.27/16.20 with 3 main objectives: (1) Interpreting the theory and international experiences on the development of green financial system to promote a green economy; (2) Assessing the current situation of green financial system in Vietnam; (3) Proposing solutions for promoting a green economy in accordance with the development conditions of Vietnam, building models, and quantifying the impact of green finance on economic sectors in Vietnam.


Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Anh Thu - Vice Rector of VNU University of Economics and Business


Assoc.Prof.PhD. Tran Thi Thanh Tu - Head of the project presented the report to the Council

In the period of 2011-2020, Vietnam identified the strategic requirement of development with sustainability, in which the growth model shifting from brown economy to green economy was one of the key tasks.

The research team also emphasized that the main activity of the project was to develop a set of indicators to evaluate the development level of Vietnam's green financial system (GFI). According to PhD. Nguyen Thi Hong Thuy, the key member of the research team, Head of Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, many countries developed their own indicators to help businesses access green capital, at the same time, assist green financial intermediaries in identifying green investment projects accurately.



At the end of the meeting, Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Anh Thu - Chairman of the Evaluation Council concluded: “This is a good project including many new features, especially the project's quality went beyond expectation”. Based on the voting results, the project was marked as outstanding.

It could be seen that this was the first comprehensive study on the green financial system in Vietnam. It opened up interdisciplinary researches between finance and banking and green growth and sustainable development. In addition, the research results of the project also made a major contribution to the current Master's programs of Economics, and Finance and Banking in many universities, especially VNU University of Economics and Business.

>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.

Tu Hoa


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