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Research capacity building for UEB’s students

For building research capacity for UEB’s students, the Faculty of Finance and Banking organized the seminar series to provide the opportunities for the students to "learn by doing", as well as expand their knowledge in conducting research.

To draft the path and help the students to master the knowledge and skills in research, the group of lecturers built the course with 10 different topics, giving updated information and knowledge in conducting research.

The topics in the seminar series attracted UEB’s students 

The first topic introduces the common data types used in research and the STATA interface. Topic 2 and 3 introduce the ordinary least squares (OLS) and methods to incorporate non-linearities in the regression model. Topic 4 applies regression models to panel data and topic 5 introduces regression models with special dependent variables (logit, probit, ordered logit, order probit, multinomial logistic). Topics 6 to 10 introduce models with time series data.


Dr. Luu Ngoc Hiep - Lecturer in the Faculty of Finance and Banking said: "Students who complete the course will have certain experiences in handling quantitative models. We intend to equip the students with some advanced quantitative models, aiming at increasing the quality of scientific research. In addition, we hope that the event will help UEB’s students understand research methods and inspire them in writing and editing research articles following international standards.”

>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese. 

UEB Media


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