Trang tin tức sự kiện

[Business Challenges 2019] Design thinking course

On 18th - 19th May 2019, VNU University of Economics and Business successfully organized the Design Thinking Training Course for more than 50 teams, who succeeded to reach the second round of Business Challenges 2019.

This is the program specifically designed for the teams to form creative thinking for start-up products, solving problems for businesses based on customer-centered thinking. At the same time, the training course also equips the students with fund raising skills, creatively presenting of products/services.

The training course is divided into three classes with three lecturers: Ms. Josephin Gala - General Director of SAP Vietnam, Dr. Hoang Thi Bao Thoa - Director of Vietnam Personal Financial Network, Dr. Nguyen Thi Hai Ha - Lecturer of Faculty of Accounting and Auditing and teaching assistants from VNU’s member universities.

On the first day, the students joined the acting game, through this activity, the students learn to understand customers and their feelings. They also overcome challenges such as: Design a toothbrush for children, Make a hat for a friend, or making a better umbrella.


On the second day, the students were divided into groups to learn how to identify the problem => raise idea for products => try it out => test the product. In the afternoon, the groups had the chance to practice making video clips, fabricate product models, acting in plays etc.

>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese. 

Tu Lam


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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