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VNU University of Economics and Business successfully completed the ACBSP accreditation process - affirming the quality of education to international standards

The University of Economics and Business - VNU (UEB-VNU) has been a member of ACBSP since 2020, a strategic step to affirm the quality of education and enhance the university's international standing. Since then, UEB has diligently implemented and improved standards for accreditation. Let's review key activities tied to specific goals in the ACBSP accreditation process that the university has undertaken in the first quarter of 2024.

1) Student Learning Outcome Assessment: Evaluation of students' academic performance in the Fall semester of the 2023-2024 academic year using ACBSP-aligned rubrics. This systematic approach ensures clarity, consistency, and accountability in assessing student outcomes, thereby enhancing teaching and learning quality.

The UEB lecturer trained and guided students participating in the Peregrine exam.

2) Online Symposium: "Establishing a Training Monitoring System for Programs Participating in ACBSP Accreditation." The symposium aims to develop a synchronized system for monitoring and annually reporting on educational programs, enhancing the effectiveness of UEB's training management software and ensuring compliance with ACBSP international accreditation standards.

Objective of the Activity: In the educational environment, outcome-based assessment serves as a crucial tool to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning processes. This activity aims to develop training programs by assessing learners' academic achievements.

Implementation Process: The process typically begins with clearly defining and articulating specific outcome standards for a program or a particular course. These outcomes form the basis for constructing rubrics. Rubrics are then developed to explicitly describe criteria and levels of achievement for the outcomes. These criteria often encompass various aspects of students' outcomes such as knowledge, critical thinking, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities. Once rubrics are established, they are used systematically to evaluate students' work. Instructors can apply rubrics to assess assignments, projects, presentations, or any other forms of student assessment. By using a consistent and transparent assessment tool like rubrics, instructors can provide clear feedback to students and effectively guide them on developing their competencies. Moreover, rubrics standardize assessment practices across instructors, courses, or different institutions, ensuring fairness, objectivity, and reliability in the assessment process. This fosters trust and validates the credibility of assessment outcomes among stakeholders.

Technical support session on the training program monitoring system of the PHER Project (Partnership for Higher Education Reform, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through non-repayable technical support and delegated to Indiana University, USA as the implementing unit).

3) Direct Training Workshop: "Developing Annual Program Assessment Reports." This workshop focuses on constructing evidence libraries to monitor and update annually, utilizing the Academic Monitoring System (AMS) designed to track and manage stud

ent learning processes comprehensively. AMS facilitates data collection, analysis, feedback provision, personalized support, interaction, and progress monitoring.

4) Self-Study Report Training: Training sessions for faculties to conduct Self-Study Reports for ACBSP accreditation. This aims to equip faculties with the necessary skills to complete reports and meet ACBSP standards, contributing to UEB's strategic development goals.

UEB continues its steadfast efforts towards achieving ACBSP accreditation, demonstrating its commitment to international educational standards and sustainable development. This commitment not only enhances educational value for students and faculty but also solidifies UEB's position and influence in the global educational landscape.



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