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2014 second postgraduate entrance examination of the VNU-UEB

Candidates listen to the examination instruction and regulations
On September 13 and 14, VNU University of Economics and Business (VNU-UEB) has held the 2nd postgraduate entrance examination of 2014.

The examination was held by the VNU University of Economics and Business. Attending this examination were 862 contestants, making up 84.4% of the candidates registered in the postgraduate entrance examination of VNU-UEB.
Before, the Admissions Council of VNU-UEB and the coordinating units had held the training session to disseminate the information and procedure for staff, faculty members involving in the examination. The other supporting activities including security, health service, logistics, and facilities are also well prepared, which helps to support and facilitate the exams to take place successfully.
Overall, the exam was held strictly, securely and statutorily to the admission regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training and of VNU. However, in this examination, there were 28 contestants violating the exams regulations, among whom 01 contestant was reprimanded and 27 contestants were suspended.
According to the schedule, the passing candidates in this 2nd postgraduate entrance exam of VNU-UEB will begin their first term in November, 2014.

Nguyen Kha - Bich Ha


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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