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Happiness is a journey: UEB's Commencement Ceremony 2021

In the morning of January 17, 2021, VNU University of Economics and Business solemnly held the commencement ceremony for more than 450 new bachelors, masters, and PhDs at Nguyen Van Dao Hall.

Attending the ceremony, from Vietnam National University, Hanoi, there was Prof.PhD. Nguyen Dinh Duc - Director of Training Department, PhD. Nguyen Minh Truong - Vice Director of Politics and Student Affairs. From the UEB there were Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Truc Le - Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the University, Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Manh Tuan - Vice Rector, PhD. Pham Minh Tuan - Vice Rector and leaders of affiliated units, together with the newly graduated bachelors, masters and PhDs.
Speaking at the ceremony, Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Truc Le - Rector of the UEB highlighted the fresh graduates for their efforts during the past years and congratulated them at the important moment of the commencement ceremony.
Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Truc Le said: “We often hear a very wonderful saying “Happiness is a journey, not a destination.” And today, your happy journey is the moment we are together, witnessing a historic moment, receiving a diploma from a prestigious university in the country. We are living in the digital age, the era of the creative economy; in the age that creative capacity will be a basic measure for each person’s ability to work. During the years of studying at the University of Economics and Business, you are the most special generation of students, enjoying all the experiences that no other generation of students has - learning and sitting for exams online. Please live, study and work with a sense of responsibility and uphold the UEB tradition. Learn how to serve others and let others do - that's how teachers have been with you all through their years of study. The good things from the heart will touch the heart. Later, although life is tough, the spirit of UEBers will give you wings to overcome. Thank you once again for choosing UEB as a stop in your happy journey. We teachers believe you have found a part of happiness here.”
At the ceremony, 33 students with flying colors in their academic performance and extra activities were awarded certificates of merit and awards from the Rector to acknowledge their considerable efforts in studying and practicing as a member of the family called the University of Economics and Business. 
>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.

Phuong Nguyen


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