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Postgraduate opening and Master Degree awarded Ceremony 2014

UEB Rector, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son awarded students for their outstanding academic results and performances as the class leaders
On 21st December, 2014, the postgraduate opening and Master Degree awarded Ceremony was solemnly held by VNU University of Economics and Business at Nguyen Van Dao Meeting Hall, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Ha Noi.

The ceremony was attended by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son, Party Secretary cum UEB Rector, Vice Rectors, Chairman of Trade Union, Secretary of Youth Union and President of Students Association, representatives of faculties, offices, centers and institute together with lecturers, the new postgraduate students and masters of the University.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son, UEB Rector delivered his speech at the Ceremony

Opening the Ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son, UEB Rector congratulated over 700 new postgraduate students and 465 new masters of the University. The Rector affirmed that new masters' academic efforts had confirmed the training quality of the University and stated that "what you have just achieved not only the Master Degrees, and it is not the ending, that is also the knowledge, preparation for new plans, challenges and successes. I hope that you will always follow your passions in research and studying, promote what you have learned to apply effectively for your jobs and gain success" Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son expected that, after commencement graduation today, in spite of various different jobs or positions or locations, new masters will continue keeping close relationship with the UEB for its development and training other generations.

Postgraduate opening and Master Degree awarded Ceremony 2014

In the solemn Ceremony, to be representative for 700 new postgraduates, Ms Vu Hong Phuong - expressed her sincere thanks for the care of UEB Board of Management together with lecturers to create favorable conditions for them to be official members of the UEB. She shared that "through many different information sources, we know that the UBE is a prestigious training unit in economics, business and management; therefore, I believe that we choose the right university for my study path...We promise to unite, share knowledge as well as experiences together and try our best in studying". We hope to further receive the care, support from UEB's lecturers and the University in our upcoming academic periods.

New postgraduate student Vu Hong Phuong shared her happy feelings when officially becoming an UEB member

To be representative for 465 new masters awarded Master Degree this time, Mr Luong Truong Tho - postgraduate student of course QH-2011-E.CH, Economic Management expressed his gratitude to UEB's lecturers for their enthusiastic guidance, knowledge transfer and dedication to helping each postgraduate student to complete their thesis during their studying at university. Mr Luong Truong Tho also gave his thanks to Board of Management as well as officers in charge of postgraduate affairs for creating favorable conditions and supporting them during their studying and research at the University. He expressed that "We are right when choosing the VNU-UEB to be our university and we promise that we will continue to have practical and specific contributions to the development of the University”.

New master Luong Truong Tho expressed his faithful thanks to the UEB

At the ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - UEB Rector awarded 15 postgraduate students, including: 5 postgraduate students having outstanding academic results and 10 postgraduates having outstanding academic results and excellent performances as the class leaders.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son awarded Master’s Degrees to new masters

The Ceremony closed in the cheerful atmosphere. The new postgraduate students and new masters today will always be an important part of the UEB. The University will always welcome them to come back to continue their studying and research activities and believe in their successes.

Board of Management and representatives of faculties, offices, departments of the UEB to take photo together with new masters.

New masters took photo with UEB Rector and Vice Rector

>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese

Kha Nguyen


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