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Opening ceremony of MBA program with Benedictine University - Intake 9

On May 7th 2017, VNU University of Economics and Business held the opening ceremony for the Master programs in Business Administration with Benedictine University - Intake 9.

Present at the ceremony, there were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - Vice Rector of the UEB, Dr. Hoang Thi Bao Thoa - Director of the Center for International Education and Training together with staff and learners of the program.

At the ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le gave motivating speech for learners of the program. With profound expertise and practical experiences in the field of strategic consulting for businesses, he showed the learners that the MBA program isn’t theoretical but closely follows the common issues in the actual deployment of work at enterprises. The curriculum of the program covers from macro level to specific tasks in each field such as personnel, finance, marketing etc.


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le talks with the participants of the program

Learner raises their own problems in actual deployment of work at enterprises

When the Vice Rector began the drumbeat, the class officially opened. The MBA class with Benedictine University - intake 9 has become a member of Vietnam Benedictine MBA in particular and the Benedictine MBA worldwide.


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le beats the drum at the ceremony

Members of Benedictine MBA - intake 9 take a photo together

The ceremony closed in a friendly atmosphere, marking the beginning of 18-month together in learning and sharing memorable time.

Hoang Lam


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