Trang tin tức sự kiện

UEB and Tet for students away from home

The last days of the year are approaching, Tet is all around and all students are looking forward to the moments of family reunion. It is the same with UEB every year, sharing Tet with the students unable to return home during this special time of the year.

This year, the complicated situation of the epidemic prevented some students to return to their hometown for Tet Holiday. On January 26, 2022, representatives of the VNU University of Economics and Business visited the Vietnamese and international students staying at the university’s dormitory during the Lunar New Year, bringing them gifts and sharing Tet with them.


Heads of the Office of Students Affairs - Mr. Nguyen Trung Phong and MSc. To Thi Kim together with Dr. Vu Duy - Secretary of the Youth Union led the delegation to visit the students.

UEB's delegation visit international students at the dormitory 
...and students of the honor programs  
>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.

UEB Media


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