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“Understand the students to give engaging lessons”

Young, enthusiastic and put himself in the students’ shoes so that he could understand what his students want. The teacher we want to talk about today is Dr. Vu Duy - Lecturer of Faculty of Political Economy and Secretary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, VNU University of Economics and Business. Dr. Vu Duy is also one of the young scientists of the UEB with outstanding achievements in research; top 5 lecturers with the most papers published in the world's leading journals in 2021.

Before coming to the UEB, Dr. Vu Duy has years of studying and conducting research in the field of economics in France. He has participated in research collaborations with the Center for Research in Law, Economics and Management in France (GREDEG-CNRS), Vietnam Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry… He is also the author of many articles published in national and international scientific journals. His current main research interests are Political Economy, Institutional Economics, History of Economic Theories, and Applied Economics.


With his experience in research and teaching, he is currently one of the outstanding lecturers selected to teach the subject Microeconomics for the joint training programs with Troy University and Saint Francis University in the US. 

Dr. Vu Duy took a photo with teachers and friends on the day of defending his doctoral thesis in France “Simplify” concepts through close-to-life examples


With the teaching strategy "Always put yourself in the position of the students to understand what Gen Z want" along with respecting different opinions, Dr. Duy wants to create motivation for students to speak and express their opinions. He understands that Gen Z loves technology, so in his lessons, he creates online games so that students can interact directly through examples. He said, “Gen Z acquires quickly but has poor concentration, so in the teaching process, I often design a brief theoretical lesson time, but increase the practice time to repeate the knowledge at the beginning and at the end of the lesson to understand how well students can absorb the lesson after each.”


“Microeconomics is the subject that I find most interesting this term, not only because of the knowledge I have learned, but also because I have learned with Dr. Duy. My first impression is that he is a very good English speaking teacher, funny, friendly, and full of enthusiasm. Microeconomics is a rather dry subject, but when I study it, I feel that knowledge is very easy to absorb. He often gives detailed examples, figures and illustrations, integrated in Quizzi games, helping me and my friends better understand the knowledge”, student Le Thanh Khoi from UEB-Troy BSBA Program said.

>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese. 

UEB Media


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