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A special handbook and the stories of those who “paved the way” for Personal Financial Management education

Personal finance is probably no longer a strange topic today, but how do you manage your own finances effectively? How to save and invest? ... For students who do not have much knowledge, experience, and skills…, starting an independent life is not easy.

With efforts to bring good values ​​to young generations firmly on the path to the future, the group of Lecturers of the Faculty of Finance and Banking - VNU University of Economics and Business (VNU-UEB) published the book entitled: “A handbook of financial management for students” and translated into English as a useful reference for young people. Let's learn about the "special" book and stories of those who "paved the way" for personal financial management education!


From the problems that younger generations are struggling to "solve"...

Every person in life cannot avoid times when facing and making financial and money-related decisions such as spending decisions, choosing a career, learning to develop personally, buying house, marriage, investment, business, etc. Every decision we make, no matter how big or small, will have a certain influence on our spirit, quality of life, health and future... especially for young people, when facing many surprises at the threshold of life without having much experience of an independent life and personal money management or easily encountering "pitfalls" in their early lives… All of that leaves many dangers or risks for the future.

In Vietnam today, not all students are fortunate enough to be equipped with money management skills from home, and most pre-university education programs do not provide this knowledge. Therefore, not knowing how to effectively manage personal finance, not understanding the importance of personal finance, causes many young people to fall into troubles related to money, debt, no savings for the future, no emergency fund or insurance when needed, more seriously such as troubles of being scammed and having negative behaviors…

So, what is the solution so that students no longer have to struggle with their own financial problems?

… To the effort to "pave the way" for personal financial management education

Sharing about the importance of personal finance, Dr. Dinh Thi Thanh Van - Vice Dean of Faculty, Faculty of Finance and Banking, VNU-UEB, said: "Personal financial management is a very important field for people in general and for the young people in particular. The World Economic Forum (2015) pointed out that one of the survival skills of the 21st century that young people need to equip is financial management skills. This is a skill that needs to be learned throughout life and plays an important role in ensuring the financial security and prosperity of each person. In developed countries such as the US, Europe, New Zealand or Singapore, this skill is taught at all levels from high school to university. However, in Vietnam, knowledge of personal financial management has not been paid much attention by schools…”.

Not only efforts to "pave the way" for this field of higher education in Vietnam, the desire to support students on their journey to the best personal financial management has prompted the lecturers of the Faculty of Banking and Finance's - The VNU-UEB cherishes, diligently researches and presents difficult financial situations that students often encounter, thereby, providing basic financial knowledge to solve problems, provides important messages and exercises that each student can apply to his or her own situation in the "Student Handbook of Financial Management".


Cover of the book "Student Financial Handbook" by the author group of Faculty of Finance and Banking, University of Economics and Business

“Since teaching Personal Finance to students a few years ago, the lecturers of the Faculty of Finance and Banking, VNU University of Economics and Business found that there are not many documents in Vietnamese for students to learn. In addition, I always wanted to write a book to help students really love, with an easy-to-understand style, beautiful illustrations and integrated real-life situations so that they can relate to their own lives." - Ms. Van shared.


In order to equip students with practical knowledge and skills to effectively manage their personal finances, the handbook will cover some of the major topics related to financial management for students.


The main contents of the handbook (quoted in the table of contents) are attractive,, close and highly practical

...And the "special" book - the crystallization of enthusiasm, ,wisdom and love spreading to the world

When the Student Handbook of Financial Management, was released, it was positively received by young readers. The event of introducing and giving books to the lucky ones attracted more than 1,000 registrations, mainly students from universities across the country, which shows the awareness of the younger generation today. It becomes clearer about the importance of personal finance, as well as the practical content that the book brings.

In the process of researching and implementing the book, the author group also faced many difficulties and challenges, sharing about that, Dr. Pham The Thanh - Lecturer at Faculty of Finance and Banking, VNU University of Economics and Business said: “The biggest difficulty probably lies in the fact that both the author group and the characters in the book are very busy with professional work, so the arrangement of time for discussion and interviews is a challenge in the context of the Covid epidemic that brings many disturbances. However, the desire to support students in such a close-knit issue of life as money has become a great motivation for the authors to complete the book...".

MSc.Thanh also shared that the authors are very happy when their work is loved by young people, but most importantly, it is their wish that “the book can really help people in their lives, contributing to a healthy consumption trend and responsible financial management among young people...".

In order for the book to give such messages and vivid real-life stories to students about personal financial management, MSc. Phung Thi Thu Huong - Lecturer of the Faculty of Finance and Banking shared: “The authors have realized that it is necessary to include in the book real situations with young people, in order to bring lessons and most relevant and attractive sharing, helping young people see the value of financial management in life instead of dry theories every day..." Ms. Huong also expressed her joy when the book was loved by young people: “As a lecturer at the VNU University of Economics and Business, I am always proud and think that what I have done, am doing and will do in the field of personal financial management will contribute a part to help improve understanding of personal financial management, not only for students but also for different generations and ages, across the country and in the international market”.

“The book has been sponsored by the German Savings Banks Fund (GSBF) to print 25,000 copies to give to students at universities throughout the North - Central - South of Vietnam. After receiving a lot of positive feedback and thanks from universities in Vietnam, the German Banks Fund asked the authors for permission to use the copyright and translate the book into English and other native languages to use for financial education projects for students om many countries around the world who are cooperating with them. We have received a letter of thanks from the Director of the Fund of German Savings Banks in Asia and are very pleased that the group's products have been widely applied not only in Vietnam but also in many parts of the world. In the book, we are also very proud to introduce ourselves from the VNU University of Economics and Business, and introduce the University's products and brand names to international friends." Dr. Dinh Thi Thanh Van said.

Representative of the Fund for International Cooperation of German Savings Banks (DSIK) sent to Dr. Dinh Thi Thanh Van thanks for the meaning that the book brings through her letter: “Knowledge to strengthen one's own personal finance is an important step for students to be able to save some Money, ready to face life's ups and downs independently. In the current development era, it is very necessary to have easy-to-understand manuals such as the "Student Financial Management Handbook". Therefore, we are delighted that the VNU University of Economics and Business has allowed us - the Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation to have free access to this important resource...With this book, we do not not only helping young people in Vietnam but also young people all over the world.”

Letter of thanks from the International Cooperation Fund of German Savings Banks (DISK) sent to Dr. Dinh Thi Thanh Van


It can be said that the book is the crystallization of enthusiasm, wisdom, love for the profession and the seriousness and enthusiasm for the work of teachers who put on their shoulders a glorious educational career. The love and acceptance of domestic and international readers is a great source of motivation and encouragement for the lecturers of the Faculty of Finance and Banking - VNU University of Economics and Business to have many more meaningful, valuable and pervasive publications in the future.

It is hoped that the "Student Financial Management Handbook" will be a reliable and useful companion for each young person on the journey to finding self-reliance, independence, and financial sustainability, not only during the years of sitting in the lecture hall, but also during each subsequent journey.

>> Click here to see the title in Vietnamese.

Nguyen Nam Trung (Tran.)


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