Trang tin tức sự kiện

2nd entrepreneurial skills training course for women

The learners and lecturer in class
Learners of entrepreneurial skill for SMEs women have finished their training course on 12th June 2012. This is the second course, within the project “Building Female Entrepreneurial Skills for SMEs in ASEAN Countries.”

From 7th to 12th June, 25 female learners from Center for Training and Capacity Building of Women (CET-CAW) have taken part in the training classes of entrepreneurial skills. In addition, some learners who own a business have shared with the other their practical experience, which brought an ebullient and familiar atmosphere to the class.
In a short duration, the training course has provided the learners with useful knowledge, above that an opportunity to meet and share experience in life and work.


The learners receive their certificate after finishing the course.

Respresenting the project executive board, Dr. Phan Chi Anh - Associate Dean of Faculty of Business Administration has congratulated the learners, hoping the acquired knowledge would positively support the process of communication and counseling skills to start a women-owned business in general, as well as for the business start-up process of the leaners lately. At the same time, he also hoped that the learners would keep in touch to build their own networks, which is a very important factor in business. 

Ha Anh - Hai Dang


Đại học Troy (Troy University)
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